There are two kinds of pooping people.
The people who won’t poop unless they’re in their own home. (You know you know people like this.) They are the people who leave the party early because mother nature is calling.
I had a friend arrive extremely late to a bowling match once, what took you so long I asked.
She had to go home for something, her partner told me.
Oh, she had to drop a deuce?
Her partner laughed, yup.
She’d also run home in the middle of a work day if the urge came upon her.
In. The. Middle. Of. A. Work. Day.
To take a poop. Even though she could have used any number of rest rooms.
Then there are the people who really don’t care where they poop. They’ll poop in the bathroom at work, in a supermarket or a gas station bathroom, on the side of the road if need be, or behind a building.
The ones who come out of the bathroom at the party waving their arms saying, don’t go in there for a few minutes, musta been something I ate. Does anyone have a match?
While I’m normally not so bold to say hey don’t go in there, I definitely will find a place to go when I need to. (Remind me to share the pee story on the NY Thru way, that’s a classic.)
Yes there are definitely two different kinds of pooping styles.
I would like to take this a step farther and argue the point that dogs have different pooping styles too.
Sampson’s style is more like my friends. He goes a good 40 to 50 feet of the trail, hunches over and gives you the excuse me, do you mind, I’m trying to pinch a loaf here look.
Many times I’ve called over to him only to say, sorry dude, didn’t realize you were taking a poop.

If you look closely you can see him just to the right of the two white birch trees. He is mostly hidden by a bunch of small trees.
I’ve mentioned before that some people have commented, Delilah is me in a dog’s body. We are both stubborn, strong-willed, persistent, resourceful and usually get what we want.
It’s no surprise to me then that Delilah has a similar pooping style to mine.
She will go wherever and whenever.
What do you mean sidewalks aren’t for pooping? Isn’t that why you carry poop bags? You sure as woof aren’t picking up garbage.
What? Oh pardon me, I didn’t realize you were going to walk right there, we are in the woods after all. Excuse me, while I crank a steamer.
Yes, I would say my dogs definitely have two different pooping styles.
Have you noticed your dog’s pooping style? Do you have a shy Sampson or a daring Delilah?
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