Welcome to WTF/Whoo Hoo Wednesday.
Some blog post or news article cross your path that left you shaking your head thinking WTF? Or did you hear about something that raised your spirits and you screamed, Whoo Hoo?
That’s WTF/Whoo Hoo Wednesday.
My friend Julie from the Daily Dog Blog made me a nice spiffy badge. Please feel free to use the badge whenever you’d like. I am going to figure out how to add badges to my side bar, I promise!!

Graphic Designed by Julie Melfi, Leg up Creative Solutions
Meanwhile, since I’ve really limited myself to time spent with my arch-enemy facebook, I’ve not had a lot of WTF’s cross my path, so I’m shooting from the hip on this one.
In the past I’ve appealed to animal rescue organizations about their criteria for placing dogs. Specifically I’ve heard of people (myself included) being turned down for puppies because someone was not home all day.
That’s water under the bridge now. I have Delilah and I guarantee she is puppy enough to satisfy anyone’s puppy itch. 🙂
The reason I raise this issue again is we ran into our friend Brady and his mom on our walk Saturday morning. Brady’s mom was struggling with two small dogs on leash. One looked like a white Scottish Terrier while the other was a Jack Russell.
The JR definitely had issues with other dogs, because as soon as he saw my dogs he started wigging out. Brady’s mom was practically dragging the dogs through the woods, the JR snarling and barking.
Of course this did not sit well with Delilah and it was a real hairy minute there before we untangled the two dogs.
Brady’s mom wanted us to walk with them and help the dogs adjust but I said, No way, this is not going to help. I used my treats to guide Sampson and Delilah in another direction.
As we were wrapping up our walk we ran into Brady and his mom again. She had brought the smaller dogs home and had come back because she thought she had one of my leashes. (She didn’t.)
We had a minute to chat and I asked about the dogs. She told me they were her mom’s dogs, she’d recently put her mom in an assisted living facility, and while they had paid for her mom to have the dogs in the facility her mom really couldn’t care for them, so she and her partner took them.
The kicker is this. The JR was adopted 7 months ago from a humane society in Florida. They were told the dog was about three years old.
The humane society adopted out a three year-old dog to a 79 year-old woman.
WTF? Did they really think a 79 year-old woman would 1) be able to provide the basic needs for a three year-old dog (such as exercise and training) and 2) outlive the dog?
So here, seven months later the poor woman needs to go into assisted living and who takes care of the dogs? Someone who really doesn’t want them.
It’s not fair to anyone, least of all the dog.
When I spoke to her on Saturday her plan was to send the dog away to a trainer at Cabela’s.
I did offer to help her but sadly, our training methods differ.
Angry child hangs dog because he was ‘mad.’ Salinas, CA
Just when you think you’ve seen and read everything you see something like this.
WTF? Really, WTF?
A 12 year-old boy hung his dog because he was mad at it. The boy who showed no remorse, was booked as a juvenile on animal cruelty charges.
My God, can you imagine what this kid will be doing in ten years?
Makes you wonder WTF is going on in this kid’s house.
Sacramento, CA
This came across my facebook page last night. Apparently there’s a growing trend in Sacramento to cut off puppy’s ears and then treat the puppy with Aleve for pain.
There’s a sweet little pittie who’s shutting down at the Front Street Shelter. If you are in the Sacramento area or know someone who is, this guy could use some help.
All I have to say is, what the fuck is wrong with people? I don’t see the appeal in a dog with cropped ears, but I can tell you I’m thinking it might be a fitting punishment for people who do this.
Can you imagine? All you’d have to do is take one look at them and go, yup that piece of filth abuses animals. Then you can treat them accordingly.
I can’t really think coherently about this topic, I just feel like letting loose with a string of derogatory comments, but that won’t accomplish anything.
Pitbulls against misinformation has set-up a ChipIn to offer an award for reporting puppy ear butchers. If you have even a dollar, it adds up. You can contribute here.
Whoo Hoo
Former Marine Raises $4K for Dog Reunion, Afghanistan/Alexandria,VA
I love our military and this story makes me love them more. A marine takes care of and falls in love with a dog in Afghanistan, when his tour is up, he comes home, but still wants the dog. He finds an organization that will help but he needs $4,000 to bring the dog over. He puts this up on facebook and before long he has raised the money he needs.
The dog is currently in quarantine and they should be reunited within the next ten days or so.
Warms the cockles of your heart, eh.
That’s it for us, how’s things in your neck of the woods? Everyone make it through Sandy? Any WTF’s or Whoo Hoos to share?
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