Some days I really struggle to find something people will enjoy reading, but truthfully most days I rely on my dogs to give me something to write about.
Most mornings Delilah is laying on the bed while I busy myself in the bathroom. At a certain point in my routine she determines either a) it is time for her to rise and shine or b) I have spent enough time in the bathroom and it is her job to come in and help me move along.
She does this by coming up at me from behind and shoving her head between my legs. I know, totally weird. It looks like I’m giving birth to a chocolate lab. Once she has her head there, it is pretty hard to make her stop. You walk, she goes with you. You stop. She stops.
Cute? Maybe.
Funny? Not really when you are on a time schedule.
Work for “Dancing with your dog?” Quite possibly.
Most days Sampson has turned in his spot on the bed, for a spot on the sofa in front of the fire. Smart dog that Sampson. Sometimes when he hears Delilah making her ruckus, he comes to peek in and see what we are doing.
Other days, they start wrestling on the bed.
Today was a combination day, Delilah came into the bathroom and walked with me (with her head between my legs) all over the bathroom. Then Sampson poked his head in and the two of them went out into the bedroom and started wrestling.
I was in a mood to listen to some music this morning, so I grabbed my iPod and put the ear buds in. When I was finished in the bathroom I turned around to shut of the lights and leave and that’s when I saw it.
Blood. Fresh blood. Little drops of fresh blood all over the bathroom floor! Lots of little drops of fresh blood all over the floor.
I shouted for the dogs and they both came running and then the real comedy began. They know their names. Really they do. But for some reason when you call them and say, “Delilah sit” they both sit. “Delilah sit” and “Sampson come” result in both dogs sitting or both dogs approaching me.
Finally I got them sorted out and I had Delilah in front of me while I checked her nails. It made sense to me to start with the nails. As I was checking her second paw I looked over and noticed Sampson was bleeding on his right forepaw. Is that a word? It is now. It would be your forearm, you know the part between your elbow and wrist? It was the part between his elpaw and paw. Yeah, that’s a word now too. Elpaw.
I got a towel and wet it and scrubbed at the blood to find out what I was dealing with, it looked like a small wound, either a scratch from the woods or maybe a tooth puncture from wrestling with Delilah. While I was cleaning at this I noticed he had blood on his shoulder too! Thankfully the blood on his shoulder was secondary blood from the first wound, but don’t ask me how he got it from his forepaw to his shoulder, but he did.
I cleaned him up, put a little Cortaid on it and sent him on his way. But I will keep an eye on it just in case. 🙂
Book update: I have 3,007 words in my book.
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