Hey all, Delilah here filling in for The Mama who apparently is too ashamed to show her face this morning.
What’s that Mama? Yes, yes I know it’s This ‘N That Thursday hosted by the 2 Brown Dawgs Blog. I really think I could be friends with Storm and Thunder’s very handsome. Freighter, well let me just say Freighter and I could have a lot of fun.
Did you say something Mama? Yes, yes I’m well aware that you’ll handle tomorrow’s Follow-up Friday post, with your co-host Sue from The Golden Life. Honestly that little Ducky is a cute little demon dog.
Now what Mama? Okay, I will remind everyone the deadline for purchasing the awesome Dogs of Blogville Calendar is quickly approaching. You can find the button on the right paw side of the blog.
Now Mama, unless you want to sit your ass down and write this post, shut your pie hole. Go cry in your coffee woman, I want to tell everyone the story of me and the chipmunk.
Any of you out there know a way to help The Mama chillax? You’d be doing me a solid if you’d help a girl out.
So anyway, last weekend I was casually walking by the door and I noticed The Mama staring intently at something. Must be something shiny, honestly that woman’s like a magpie I thought to myself. But curiosity got the better of me (it’s not just for cats you know) so I glanced over.
And then I stared.
Can you see it in this picture? Over on the left hand side on the deck, just past where the house wall stops.
You probably can’t see it because The Mama can’t take a photo to save her life, but trust me, it’s there. A wee little chipmunk.
Here’s a better shot of it. (Thank Dog for the zoom, if it weren’t for the zoom…)
Now I’ve been a chipmunk watcher since we moved into this house. At first my approach was to charge out the door, barking at them to get off my deck. But then I changed my tune, because honestly I’d love to catch one because I’m curious about how they taste, (someone told me they taste like chicken and I like chicken) but those little suckers are fast. The Mama would always say, “stealth my love, stealth” but she never told me just what the woof stealth was.
Eventually I figured it out on my own (cause’ I have a brain, unlike someone who shall remain un-named) Anyway, so there I sat staring intently at
my snack the chipmunk and contemplating my course of action, when what do I see out of the corner of my eye?
Yup! Blunder Boy! Here he comes strolling across the deck all Scooby Doo “Hey what’s that?”
Oh and he’s close to that chipmunk, like about 12 to 16 paws away. I look at Blunder Boy, who’s looking at the chipmunk, who’s looking at Blunder Boy.
Nooooooooooooo! That chipmunk is mine!!!
Too late! The chipmunk darted below the deck faster than those scurvy pirates in that Johnny Depp movie The Mama drools about.
I rushed outside. Yup, that’s where his little chipmunk butt sat and yes, it even SMELLS like chicken, but once again I’ve been thwarted. Not by the chipmunk this time, but by Sampson. How oh how can she call him the Golden Boy? He can’t even catch a friggin’ chipmunk that’s mere paws away!
Sadly that’s all I’ve got for today, I enjoy writing this blog so if you enjoy reading me, let The Mama know in the comments.
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