Well hello, most improved the instructor said in a high-pitched meant-to-praise-and-reward-your-dog tone of voice.
It worked.
Delilah lifted her head up as Jackie our instructor reached down and took Delilah’s face in both hands, bringing her own face down to deliver a kiss on the end of Delilah’s nose.
We had just completed the last class of our Intermediate Dog and Handler class put on by Pet Education and Therapy.
Jackie looked up at me and we shook hands.
Thank you, I said.
Thank you very much.
It was my pleasure, really. You know you could title her in Rally with no problems, Jackie said.
Really? I may have sounded slightly incredulous, I mean this is Delilah we were talking about after-all.
Oh yes, no problem. She’d pass first time in the ring.
If she did as well in the ring as she did in Tuesday night’s class, yes she could pass in a Rally ring.
Our class was held outside. We started with a quick recap of sits, downs, looks and stays.
Then we went advanced.
We did Figure-Eights.

Using two cones and starting in the middle, work your figure-eight with your dog in a heel position.
We worked on recalls.
Jackie had us line up and then she walked up to the first dog, took the leash from the handler and the handler crossed the field and recalled their dog. She did this super quick, so we were running. On the second pass she didn’t tell us, but she was holding a handful of treats.
I had to call Delilah twice, the first time she didn’t even look at me. 🙁
Using a jump, we practiced our wait command.
We then worked our stay commands.
Delilah was the one of only two dogs who did a three-minute down WITHOUT breaking.
She was the ONLY ONE who did a one minute sit.
Lastly we walked past another dog, making sure we had a loose leash.
I think this class was really good for Delilah and me. I really do feel like we have formed a bond.
And I’m really grateful that Sara has no problem with me checking out another trainer. Sometimes I think it’s good to hear the same thing from someone different.
I know there are things that Delilah and I learned in this class that Sara has tried to teach us. Maybe it’s because I’m so comfortable with Sara that I don’t pay attention enough. :-0
Surprised, eh?
Me too.
What surprised you the most, that Delilah and I were most improved or that I don’t pay attention? 😉
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