Please note this post is not meant to make light of the deeds described here, only to make fun of, ridicule, bully and just plain beat the shit out of the idiots who commit these stupid acts.
W. T. F.
Well believe it or not, there were two WTF’s at Stone Manor this week and they both happened yesterday!
Hubby was outside when I got home.
I looked up as I pulled in and saw Sampson run across the lawn to greet me. Sampson loves to be out when his Dad is working outside, Delilah who can’t be trusted to stay in the yard, greeted me from the balcony.
I love when Hubby is home when I get home because it means he can prepare the dog’s food and start supper while I get an early walk in.
I asked Hubby to prepare their food, while I went and changed into my walking clothes.
The dogs were intently watching Dad chunk the roast.
A big WTF goes out to the canines at Stone Manor.
I jingled their collars and was ignored.
I’m the one who takes you for a walk every, single day and you ignore me for a hunk of beef?
Where’s the love man?
Hubby’s the brunt of the second WTF.
I reached down to put Sampson’s collar on and realized he didn’t have his ID collar on while he was outside!
WTF? I said to Hubby, he was outside without a collar?
Guess what that a-hole said?
Unlike you, I have faith in him.
News flash: I have faith in him too muther f*cker, you know why I have faith?
Because I’m the one out there walking and working those dogs every day of my life.
Don’t ever imply I don’t have faith in my dogs. That just might earn you a night or two on the couch.
What kind of idiot lets their dog outside without a collar?
The idiot who lives with me.
WTF/Whoo Hoo
Injured Dog Rescued From Mountain.
In last week’s WTF post Missy the German Shepherd’s story made the WTF portion of the post. Technically while it was horrible, the fact that a group of strangers came together to save her should have been a big WHOO HOO!!
I’m still on the fence about this one, only because after abandoning his dog, this jack wagon now wants his dog back.
I have a saying and it goes like this, “You can blame your parents for the first eighteen years of your life, after that you need to own your own shit.” Yes you can quote me.
I’ll give him credit, the guy owned his shit.
And I’ll own mine, I still haven’t read all the threads on the hiking forum, but I have read this article. Apparently the guy says he did try and get the dog down the mountain and did call 911 but was told that rescue teams only went out for humans.
I believe that. But I also believe that there were other options available to him and that he didn’t put forth the effort that one of us would have put forth.
I get that not everyone knows about the great dog resources and support available by social media, but you have to be living under a rock if you haven’t heard ABOUT social media!
Come on! Women have been reunited with their lost children on Facebook!!
He messed up, he messed up bad. He admitted it. He wants his dog back.
Sorry Charlie, only the best tasting tuna gets to be Starfish.
Whoo Hoo
Whew! My really bad WTF for this week turned out to be a Whoo Hoo!
My dear friend Donna, from Donna and the dogs posted this on my facebook page.
Three Dogs Tied to Ohio Railroad Tracks, One Survives.
I read the post with a sick feeling in my stomach and then tried to get it out of my mind until it was time to write the post.
Quite honestly, even though I read about this kind of stuff all the time, it still just boggles my mind how cruel some people can be.
If you really don’t want a dog, then please just bring it to the pound. Even if they end up putting it to sleep (it sucks, but it’s reality) at least it’s humane.
When I sat down to write the post I did a little googling to see if maybe they caught the ass-clown who did this and I found this article.
Cleveland police say story of 3 dogs tied to Tremont railroad tracks wasn’t true.
What a freakin relief!
Although I worry now that someone has put the idea out there that some other a-hole won’t attempt to do the same thing.
Thankfully this week’s WTF/Whoo Hoo didn’t leave me feeling to down in the dumps. How was your week? Anything you’d like to share?
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