I have a very small kitchen. I can almost reach from the sink across the kitchen and grab a pan from the stove.
Our previous kitchen was HUGE. I mean HUGE. It was one of those old-fashion eat in kitchens. No dining room. Just a big kitchen.
After five years Hubby and I have adjusted to cooking in a small kitchen. We can manage it, when it’s just the two of us.
Sometimes I’ve been heard to say, there are too many of us in the kitchen. Considering we have two decent sized dogs and one small cat that thinks he’s a dog.
I try hard to keep the animals on the fringe of the kitchen. They can sit right on the edge where they can catch-all the action, they just can’t enter.
It’s a daily struggle.
But well worth the effort to save a bit of sanity (not to mention stepped on paws or tails) while working.
Seriously nothing is worse than stepping backward with a full pot of boiling pasta and hearing “MEOWWWWWWWWWWW.”
When all has gone according to plan, I like to reward the participants with a treat. Sometimes I give them beef hearts or turkey hearts, but some days you want to give them a little something special.
I call these Pumple Shots.
Here’s what you’ll need:
A half and half mixture of canned pumpkin (if you’re industrious and like to make your own pumpkin good for you!) and unsweetened applesauce
a small muffin tin, or something similar

What a cute little tray. (Notice the lab inspector in the bottom right of the shot. She was there to assure nothing tainted went into any of her treats. It’s important to have a good quality control inspector.)
Mix the pumpkin and the applesauce together, if your freezing container is bigger than mine, feel free to layer instead of mixing. It matters not.
Fill the container with the Pumple mix and freeze.
I got these cute little forms at the Animal Rescue site.
The depth of this mold surprised me, when I pulled the treat out they were HUGE.
It mattered not. Delilah had hers in her mouth BEFORE I could snap the picture. But I would say they both enjoyed them.
I mixed these up last night and froze them overnight and it was perfect.
The mold I used was made out of silicone so the treats just popped right out, but it you are using a tin mold, you might want to add just a touch of non-stick spray.
Do your pups like frozen treats? What kinds of frozen treats do you make?
Do you feel like hopping today?
This is the Tasty Tuesday blog hop, hosted by Kol’s Notes and Sugar, the Golden Retriever.
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