When I left for my mini vacation on Thursday, I had planned out Sampson and Delilah’s exercise routine. I scheduled my flight for later in the afternoon, so the morning would be available for a nice long walk.
My flight left Orlando early Monday morning, so I would be home in enough time to get them up to the field/woods for a half hour or so before the LaCrosse team over-populated the area.
Friday was a daycare day and Hubby had it off, so that left Saturday and Sunday. I asked Hubby, “Will you walk the dogs?”
He said he would.
Due to certain circumstances his time was limited this weekend (that’s the other story I have for you, but I’m still waiting for the official report so it has to wait.)
He ended up with walks around the block.
As usual when we walk around the block, Sampson is off leash and Delilah is on the 15 footer. We always have a leash with us just in case Sampson needs to be leashed.
When Hubby walked them on Sunday night he said there were quite a few people out walking so he leashed Sampson and shortened up Delilah’s leash. As he was approaching the house with the electric fence he saw the two dogs running towards him.
He said that it actually went quite well, the two dogs approached Sampson and Delilah, one was yellow and one was black, they both were older. The black one is usually the one who runs back and forth as we walk by. Hubby said Delilah and the black dog sniffed each other and one of them snapped at the other. He said he thought Delilah actually got a little ‘pushy’ with the other dog and the dog snapped at her, but he couldn’t be sure.
After the dogs all sniffed each other, the other dogs kind of followed Hubby, Sampson and Delilah. As they approached their house their owner came out with their collars and the dogs said, “No way.”
They took off.
Hubby said the owner chased the dogs for a while, and then he got in his car to try to catch them. When Hubby reached our road, he saw the dogs in someone’s yard, the owner pulled into the driveway and the dogs ran off again.
Two thoughts…..
One : What’s the point of an electric fence if you aren’t using the collars?
Two: I wonder now that the dogs have ‘met’ if they will still be running back and forth when we walk by?
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