For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.
You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog. Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you. Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby!
Please feel free to grab the badge and join me in recapping or wrapping up your week. It doesn’t matter if you do it every week or just once in a while.
This week’s posts have been largely focused on training. If you have a dog you understand some part of your life will always include training.
I’d like anyone who’s struggling with a challenging dog to know that there is hope.
Don’t give up, check out new trainers, new sports, new groups. Find something that works for both you and your dog.
Practice Makes Perfect – Update:
On yesterday’s walk I took Delilah off-leash again. As soon as I took her off, I called her back. Anytime she got too far ahead of me, I called her back. Most of the time she kept coming back to me on her own, or kept looking back at me, as if she wanted my approval.
I gave it to her, along with lots of treats.
Again I kept her off-leash time to a limit, then back on leash she went.
It is the small successes that add up.
Passive Aggressive – Author’s Note
I think I could write another full post on this particular topic. There is so much I want to say, about the way people around me train and take care of their dogs. Look for me to come back to this topic at a future date.
WTF/Whoo Hoo Wednesday – Update
Pamela was kind enough to point out that I missed a great big Whoo Hoo. And that would be to the eight strangers who banded together to get the GDS, Misty down from the mountain.
That was my bad. I was trying to shorten my post and get it published in a timely fashion. And truthfully, sometimes the WTF really brings me down.
My friend at 2 Brown Dawgs blog mentioned in the comments that she read the entire thread regarding Misty’s rescue.
I didn’t.
Apparently the dog’s plight was posted on the message board and a group of people got together and went in and rescued Misty.
Then her owner came forward.
Which once again is a topic for an entire post, but only after I read the entire thread.
That’s it for me, hope you have a great weekend!
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