Last night Delilah and I had our second tricks class. Can I tell you something?
Delilah and I have had our share of go-rounds. You know it, because I’ve shared it here with you. Even with the challenges she’s faced, I know deep down in my heart what a good dog she is. And there is one place where it shows.
My dog shines in the classroom setting.
We walk into the classroom and she is focused on me, waiting and watching and willing to learn.
Our task was to learn three tricks last night, play dead, roll-over and crawl.
I forgot my point and shoot, so I had to use my cell phone, which isn’t easy to work when you’re the one doing the training.
Our instructor was quite pleased with the progress we made playing dead and rolling over. She then asked if she could borrow Delilah to show us how to teach them to crawl.
I giggled a little inside because I’ve been trying to get Delilah to crawl for about four years.
Yup, she got out there and crawled across the floor.
- Okay, I’ll put my head down, but you’ll give me a treat, right?
- Ummmm I like your treats.
- I’m picking up what your putting down.
When I got home I had Hubby take a video of us doing each of the tricks. Please excuse the poor lighting and my messy housekeeping, I just wanted to show you what she learned.
(Excuse my ass.)
There was a new woman in our class last night. From what I could tell her husband was supposed to meet her there with their dog but he got stuck in traffic, so she just hung out observing. She happened to sit right near Delilah and I and we ran into her on our way out. She asked if she could pet Delilah and then she said, she has such a calming peaceful effect.
I said, REALLY? I don’t think so.
But the more I thought about it, the more I realized she really is a shining star.
Is there an area where your dog shines?
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