I’ve posted a couple of times in the last few days about our trip to my sister’s in New Hampshire, this past weekend.
This was probably one of the nicest trips we’ve had in a while and I thought today I’d share some thoughts and pictures from it.
Of course, any time I saw a dog I had to snap a photo.

We saw this guy while we were stuck in traffic at the Massachusetts border. Hubby had to roll up the window because Delilah got a bit snarky.
My sister lives in a small town (population just under 6,000) in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, just about 60 miles from the Canadian border.
If you’ve never been to the north country (as they like to refer to it) you really don’t know what you’re missing. There are so many quaint little shops, everyone seems to know everyone else and if you want to cross Main Street, you simply step off the curb and wave your hand.
Cars stop.
They really do.
As we walked down Main Street towards the herb shop, I wondered why the Barber shop had dog statues in the window.
Turns out they weren’t statues.
Meanwhile, back at the house, I learned if you really want to tire your dog out, take them up and down this hill a couple of times.
Of course, it’s not like they walked down the hill, they loved to run. Which tired them out.
Delilah made herself comfy on her mat on the floor.
When Sampson wasn’t in my sister’s chair, he made himself comfortable on the couch.
The dogs were so tired both nights we were there that:
Delilah did not bother me for her 9 o’clock snack.
She slept on the floor, which is probably the first time since she joined our pack that she slept on the floor.
Yesterday morning she got up, ate breakfast and went back to bed. Another something that has never happened.
Sunday night Sampson was so tired, he fell asleep eating his snack.
You gotta love it, when your dogs need a vacation from their vacation.
Has your dog ever been tired out from vacation?
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