Welcome to this week’s edition of co-hosted Follow-up Friday Blog Hop.

Follow-Up Friday
My co-hostess this week is someone I admire very much. She adopted a shy, fearful dog and found out she has some reactivity issues. Some people would give up on dog like Bella, but not Leslie and Jan. They’ve found an agility class for reactive dogs and have met with behavioral specialists to find a way to help Bella. Leslie courageously shares their story on her blog.
Many thanks to Leslie from Bringing Up Bella, for co-hosting the FUF blog hop. The blog hop that let’s you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Trail Blazers – Author’s Note
The snow we got was the light and fluffy kind. All you snow connoisseurs will know, the light, fluffy snow is just as bad (if not worse) than the heavy wet snow.
While I could only manage one loop around, the dogs got plenty of running time. I however felt like I’d worked out in the gym for about an hour.
That is hard work!
I. Kid. You. Not.
The Dog Squad – Update
Can you say, open mouth, insert foot?
It was supposed to be a fun post mainly designed to get some followers on Pinterest. It worked, I now have 16 Pinterest followers, but at first I don’t think it came off quite the way the post was intended.
Initially I started reading the comments and I thought, WHOA, that’s not how I meant it at all. I thought maybe I better go in and update the post to try to make it a bit clearer. When I signed into my dashboard there was a comment in the spam folder from Yvonne DiVita.
OMG. Yvonne DiVita read my blog.
I started to hyperventilate. Where’s a paper bag when you need one?
But, I caught my breath, updated the post and calmed down a bit.
My friend Cokie wrote this in the comments:
“you thought it looked like the cat people worked it with their wardrobe more than the dog people at BlogPaws, which I think is a fair statement in that I remember seeing more fanciful cat ears, cat prints, cat glasses, cat earrings and cat jewelry in general, than dog ears, dog glasses and dog earrings… Just sayin’ =^..^=”
Thank you Cokie. That is exactly what I meant.
Pet Blogger Challenge – Author’s Note
What a great, thought-provoking challenge. I’ve barely gotten into reading the posts (last I looked there were over 80 participants) but I’m already learning so much from all of you.
Great job to all who participated and thanks so much to Amy, from Go Pet Friendly for hosting this blog hop. I really look forward to participating again next year.
Speaking of blog hops, this wraps it up for me. Many thanks to Leslie from Bringing Up Bella for sharing the co-hosting duties.
This is the Follow-Up Friday Blog hop,
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