Sung to the tune of Girls Just Want to Have Fun, by Cyndi Lauper.
The phone rings, in the middle of the night It’s Jodi Chick yelling, “you know it’s K-9 Kamp, right?” Oh Jodi dear, you know that labs like to run But this time we’re gonna have fu-un, Oh this time, we’re gonna have fun.
Delilah here, letting you know that the Mama dropped the ball (literally and figuratively) once again for the K-9 Kamp challenge hosted by Kol’s Notes and Peggy’s Pet Place. Luckily she has me here to pull her into it, kicking and screaming if necessary.
I’m definitely up for that challenge.
Siriusly, I generally have to pull the Mama up the hills while we’re walking. You’d think after three years of daily walks, she’d be in some kind of shape, but sadly, no.
The last time she managed to make it up the hill on her own she swallowed a bug. Honestly, you’d have thought her life was ending. She choked, coughed and gagged then cried, “I swallowed a bug, a bug! I swallowed a bug!”
Good grief Mama, it’s just a little extra protein, be glad you didn’t get charged for it.
So the Mama’s all goofing off on facebook the other day and she sees that Kol’s Notes posted a reminder about K-9 Kamp. Then some really bad words came out of her mouth and she got all feverish on the facebook chat with Jodi Chick about K-9 Kamp.
Rumor has it the Mama asked Jodi Chick if an e-mail went out. I’m a dog and if dogs could get embarrassed that would certainly embarrass me. Let’s just say, that the Mama has decent organizational skills when she chooses to use them, but Jodi Chick puts her to shame. Oh Mama, it’s a good thing Koly and Fe live so far away, Sampson and I would never live this down.
Let’s face it, the Mama totally did not do her part in the last K-9 Kamp challenge. Oh she walked us all right, but she should have been shouting up a storm about what we were doing and trying her best to keep people motivated. Truthfully, it’s sometimes difficult keeping the Mama motivated. We try, we really do but short of dangling M & M’s in front of her, not much motivates that one.
So the theme for this portion of K-9 Kamp is “Get active with your dog, 30 minutes extra, 3 or 4 times a week. And they’re looking for fun things to do, like play fetch, chase your dog, let your dog chase you, swim, do agility, play frisbee.
Good thing the Mama found (yes FOUND) this Frisbee at the park, would you believe the woman didn’t own a Frisbee? It’s a wonder I’m in any kind of shape at all. Although dragging her around on the leash really does give me quite a bit of resistance.
Well I’ve heard it said, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” So I’m taking over for the K-9 Kamp Challenge, and I’m going to make sure the Mama does her part to help us have a little bit of fun every single day.
It’s true Sampson is a bit older, and doesn’t care much for fetching, but I’m going to give the Mama some suggestions and hopefully get her motivated. I happen to know there is a big old bag of M & M’s in the fridge, so I have plenty of treats to get her up and moving. AND to keep her honest, we’re going to be reporting back at least once a week and giving YOU some ideas and fun things you can do with your dogs, even if they’re a bit older and don’t have the stamina they once had.
So are you up for this challenge?
Say yes, say yes, say yes! (Sorry, I’m a lab after-all.)
Alright then, let’s do this!!
FOLLOW-UP Friday – the Mama’s working with Lynda from Two Ears and a Tail, to be tomorrow’s co-host of the Follow-Up Friday Blog hop. She’ll update this post if for some reason that changes.
Today we’re joining our friends Thunder, Storm and Freighter from 2 Brown Dawgs Blog along with their new co-host Ruckus the Eskie for This ‘N That Thursday!
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