One of my favorite things to do is to figure out how certain sayings came to be.
Some of them are easy and make perfect sense to me, such as “A stitch in time saves nine.” I interpret that as if you can catch a tear when it’s small and fix it with a quick stitch, you will save yourself a hefty repair down the road.
“Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” I heard tell back in the day, baths came about on Saturday night and folks used the same water. Starting with dad, moving to mom and progressing down the line, so by the time the baby got their bath it was so dirty, you might actually lose track of the baby. EWWW!! (This one makes me particularly pleased that we have modern plumbing.)
“A penny saved is a penny earned.” Never could figure that one out, I mean whether you spent or saved it, you still earned it, no?
Do you remember this saying? “You make a better door than you do a window.” My mother used to say it to us all the time. Well the other night I finally figured it out and at the same time I realized why they’re called Labradoors. Yes, we’ve been spelling it wrong all this time.
Here’s how the epiphany happened. The other night Hubby and I were watching a television show. Sampson was lying on the floor and as I’m prone to do, I got down on the floor with him and was rubbing his leg. All was well except I couldn’t see the TV show because a LabraDOOR was standing directly in my line of sight.
Then I thought back to all the times she’s stood in my way, effectively blocking me from moving. I can’t tell you how many times I have to switch direction just to get around Delilah.

You’re really very cruel you know, I’m only looking out for you. I heard watching too much TV is bad for your eyes.
Or the times I’ve turned around and end up with arms flailing trying to keep myself from falling over her. Or the times I go spread a throw rug or her placemat only to have her stand on it as soon as it touches the floor. Or how she stands right in the area of the room I’m currently vacuuming.
Maybe I should call her a Labraobstacle instead. I wonder if the AKC would recognize it as a breed?
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