Typically my dogs pee in the woods, the grass, leaves, gravel, trees, fire hydrants and occasionally a curb.
Once when Sampson was about 15 months old we were traveling to Florida and stopped for the night in North Carolina. Our intent was to get a room and then take Sampson for a nice walk so he could relieve himself and stretch his legs. For some reason we got out of the car and stood in the parking lot a tad too long for Sampson’s needs. So he peed right there in the parking lot and a good long time if I remember correctly. Besides that occasion, I can’t remember him ever peeing on pavement or sidewalk.
And then there was Delilah.
When I walk both dogs I usually head up to the park. It’s easy because Sampson can usually be off leash, which leaves me free to manage Delilah. Of course there were times before Sampson’s tear where I walked both dogs on leash, both around the block and at the park. It’s not my ideal walk but it was doable.
Since my All Star hit the D.L. Delilah’s walks have been largely up to her. I decide when we walk and Delilah decides where. While Sampson is a dog that loves the woods, Delilah is a dog that loves houses. I suspect before she came to us that she spent some time on her own, scavenging for food. When opportunity has presented itself, she heads to a yard and usually be found grazing like a cow.
So it comes as no surprise when Delilah chooses the walk, we usually end up walking around our neighborhood I’ve begun to suspect she’s casing the houses, waiting for her opportunity to strike.
Our neighborhood has no sidewalks, so I walk in the street. Delilah can either walk in the street or she ventures just a tiny bit onto the grass of the neighborhood houses.
She’s surprised me lately because she’s taken to peeing in the road and I had no idea why. Sounds far fetched, right? Here’s your proof.

Mama! Remember what happened to you the last time you put a picture of me peeing on the blog? Two words. Human Shaming. You’ve been warned Mama.
The first time she did it, she peed on a newspaper that someone had left on the road. (At first she tried to roll on it, then she changed her tune and peed on it.) I suspect many animals have peed on that paper, which is why she continues to pee on it every time we pass it.
I couldn’t figure out WHY she would pee in the middle of the road, on what to my eyes was nothing but pavement. Until one day when she peed on this.

I’d like to tell you no frogs were harmed in the making of this post, but that would obviously be a lie. I will say IT WASN’T ME!!
So now I’m suspecting that with her superior nose, she’s smelling things that have long since disappeared from human eyesight.
Unless of course she’s simply being Delilah and just likes peeing in the road.
Have your dogs ever peed on anything you found strange? I know a lot of times my dogs are “marking” but why in the world would she mark a frog?
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