Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally wrap up my week.
Some Dogs Just Walk Bow-Legged
2 Brown Dawgs said, “He looks so worried about that water tread mill, but I know it will help him.”
I know he did. It about broke my heart, but the good thing is that he wasn’t panicking about it, and he actually did quite well.
Rebecca said, “I’ve used a ladder laid on a bricks (to get that height off the ground) for Teach in preparation for agility training. That is very similar to Cavalletis but for Sampson the rungs of the ladder may be to close together.”
That’s a great idea, but I think you are right. The rungs would be too close together for him.
Sand Spring Chesapeakes asked, “Norman loved the water treadmill cuz she put peanut butter on the front is that what I see on the picture?”
No, there is no peanut butter on there. In fact, he cannot even touch the door because a bar is in his way. I think you may be seeing the leash. I am standing in front of the door holding his leash.
Cupcake said, “Sampson, your face says it all. “What in the world are these demented lunatics up to???””
This was only his second time on the treadmill so I’m not really sure what he thought about that!
Jan K said, “I think you have that DIY instinct of a lot of native New Englanders…I wouldn’t have been surprised if you DID improvise the underwater treadmill.”
Well thank you Jan and now you’ve got me thinking…..
Jen said, “I do small hills with Sherman to try and help keep his muscle mass up but I might have to give this a try!!!”
We are smack dab in the middle of a hill and so he goes up hill at least twice a day. I’d like to do more, but right now I can’t.
Okay, here’s how I SHOULD have ended that post. “Thanks for the warning is right. Now I know where another dumb ass lives in my neighborhood.”

I just don’t like surprises, that’s all. You try having someone stick their nose in YOUR ass when you aren’t expecting it. I didn’t think so.
Keri Dominguez leaves a link to a great Suzanne Clothier post and then says, “Maybe print it out and leave it in their mailbox?”
I would love to do that, but I wonder if it would really work or they’d just get offended or scoff it off? My experience has been most people aren’t receptive to what they perceive as criticism by others.
Lauranne asked, “You did pre-warn her and nothing transpired?” and then “Have you heard of the yellow dog campaign?”
I did pre-warn her and nothing transpired but Bella did not get close enough for Delilah to react/not react. And yes, I’ve heard of the Yellow Dog Campaign but sadly that doesn’t mean she has.
Emma asked, “Why are some people just so ignorant?”
Oh Emma my love, if I knew the answer to that, what a wonderful world this would be.
Jenna, Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady says, “You have such a great way of putting a comical spin on a story that angers all of us!”
Thank you. I like to think that humor breaks the ice, if people can laugh about something, even if it’s a frustrating topic, perhaps once the laughing is done, they may be able to see another side or at the very least open a line of communication.
Roxy the Traveling Dog asked, “Why oh why, is the world full of dumb ass people? And why are they allowed to raise kids and dogs?”
Well in Jodi’s world, they would need a license for both. 😉 But Jodi doesn’t rule the world…yet. 😉
Rebekah asked, “So rude! Is there not a leash law where you live?”
Yes there is! But without someone enforcing it, what’s a person to do?
Jan K said, “Whenever this happens with Cricket I find myself apologizing and trying to explain, but I know I shouldn’t do that.”
But why should we do that? Their dog needs to respect our dog and their needs!
Things You Shouldn’t Tell the Physical Therapist
Jana Rade said, “Well, I believe you should tell everything to your surgeon or physical therapist. You might get the stink eye but you know what? More often than not they need to know such things.”
You’re right, I just cower at the thought of telling her. 🙁
Animal Couriers asked, “How late in the year have you had snow?”
Well it is not typical, but we have had snow in April and May. Of course it doesn’t stay, but it has happened!
Jenna,Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady asks, “A Grim? As in the show Grim? Or something else?”
It is a Harry Potter reference. 🙂 “The Grim is an omen of death, which is reputed to bring about the demise of the person who encounters it. The Grim takes the shape of a large, black, spectral dog. Perhaps the most well-known of omens,[1] the Grim has earned infamy throughout the Wizarding world and is considered to be one of the worst, if not the worst, omens around.” (Source, Harry Potter Wikipedia)
Jan said, “Hail can come any time.”
Yes it can. We can get it during a thunderstorm in the summer, but the hail is usually larger!
Jan K asked, “You know what I thought? I thought the deer ran in front of where your car might have been had you not turned around to see if it was the neighbor’s dog, thereby possibly avoiding an accident and meeting the Grim after all. Does that make any sense?”
It sure does!! And you very well could be right!
Well that’s it for me! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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