Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – May 18, 2014
Here’s what I love about you. Yes, I’m talking to you dear reader. It’s that you get what an important and significant milestone this is and you celebrate it with me! I’m so incredibly grateful to be able to share it with you. Thank you.
Chloe is Not Coming
There was a problem with commenting on this post. Some of you tried and could not. I had updated some plug ins and I think there were some conflicts. I went in and deactivated some, and it seems to have worked. I’m sorry for those of you who tried but could not comment.
Emma had the best advice: “Some people just will never get it, it may be best for you to just drink in this situation.”
I like the way you think Emma!
Mary asked, “I have wondered more than once, how do you educate people? Maybe we could carry a pamphlet with training and dog etiquette tips to hand out.”
For me the question is, will they be open to it? I mean let’s face it, the typical dog owner is not one the amazing folks of Blogville nor are they HLAD readers. It’s tough to educate someone who a) doesn’t want to be educated or b) feels they know everything they need to.
Speaking of Mary, have you all checked out her new blog?
Lauranne had the next best comment: “I think you should try the slapping them round the head with the clip end of the lead technique.”
Oh my lord, can you imagine if I could do that without being arrested? I imagine there’d be a good many folks walking around my neighborhood with welts on their heads.
2 Brown Dawgs said, “You better not come and train with us because we are using the Hillmann method to reinforce sit and it has us saying “sit, sit, sit” several times.”
Oh my, maybe it’s different when you are training hunting dogs, I’ve been told if you repeat it six times you will need to say it six times before the dog sits because that is what it learns. You will have to keep me posted on how this works out for you.
Houndstooth left a very lovely comment explaining how hard they’ve worked with their girl Morgan. I encourage you to go back and read it, but in it she said, ” I truly believe that there’s a misfire in her brain.”
I know you’ve been through a lot with Morgan, and I know how hard you’ve worked. I do believe that dogs can have misfires in their brains just as well as humans can. In Chloe’s case, I do suspect her owner hasn’t worked with her, but that is just my thought.
Was that not the stupidest dog invention ever? I can’t even wrap my head around it!
Vlad and Barkley’s Dee asked, “Did you go check out the Youtubes on this thing?”
Good lord, NO! I think I would have to try and find out their names and hunt them down and go West Virginia Back-woods Hood-rat on them!
Jan said, “I remember that this company was looking for an American distributor for their poop catcher. I assume you won’t be applying for the privilege.”
That would be a correct assumption Jan! LOL
M.K. Clinton said, “Can you believe that anyone would stoop to the level of harnessing a bag to their dog’s butt and not stoop a bit lower and just pick that crap up?!?! ”
No, I actually can’t. First I can’t believe someone made one and second I can’t believe anyone would use it! How much lazier can you be?
Let it Go
Mary said, “I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. You have to just go with the flow sometimes.”
I’m a pretty firm believer in that myself Mary. I think I was just upset with myself that I forgot it, I can’t remember the last time I forgot an appointment.
Jan said, “According to Freud, anything we forget is done on purpose. (I’m paraphrasing) So maybe it is all for the best. Our subconscious minds may know more than the conscious mind.
My fee for this session will be waived.”
Thanks for waiving the fee, Dr. Jan, I do appreciate it. I’m fairly sure something was telling me we needed the break and since the last time we were at therapy the therapist and I talked about what a stress it was on the dog owner, I’m pretty certain she’ll understand.
That’s it for me, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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