Hey guys, Sampson Stone here again, with more tips on how to train your Human. You may recall last week when I told you how I’m working with my Momma to get more treats. If you missed it, you can read about it here.
At the end of the post, I asked if anyone had any tips for training their human, and my brother-from-another-mother, Merlin (and his Human, Meagan) left this comment.
“If someone is sitting somewhere where you want to lay, you just stare at them. They ask you what do you want. You stare at them some more until they eventually move over and let you have their seat. If you must, kick them a bit to make them make more room for you.”
The stare down is an important training tool in training your humans, and as Meagan and Merlin pointed out, the stare down works in a number of situations. It can also be used on someone who NOT YOUR Human.
Such as the time Mom and Dad were having a Super Bowl Party and one of their guests sat on my couch.
Side note: I don’t know why they call it a Super Bowl, I looked in those bowls and there was nothing super about them or anything in them.
Anyhowl, this person Ray had the nerve to sit right down on my couch and in my spot too! I stood right in front of him staring him down. He wouldn’t budge. That’s when I had to take matters into my paws and squeeze up on the couch next to him.
Honestly, some humans can be so dense.
The second part of Meagan and Merlin’s comment was this, “This method works well in other areas, such as: wanting to go outside, breakfast/dinner time etc. Extra points for making a point of staring at what you want and then back at the human.””
My Momma keeps our food in the frigerator, she takes it out a couple of hours before she’s going to feed us. Sometimes she puts it on top of the frigerator to come up to room temperature.
If she lets it sit too long, I have to remind her about it, which is when I stare up at the food, then at Momma, then back at the food until she learns the trick.
My look says, “Hey Red, you see that food on top of the fridge? We aren’t at Hogwarts. It won’t levitate itself down to me. You do know you’ll have to reach up and get it, right? I mean, like now.”
Silly fool, Momma laughs and says things like, “I’m busy…I just have to finish washing this dish…I’m cooking my supper too…Jesus Buddy, give me a break, I’m moving as fast as I can.”
How do you use the stare down in your house?
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