Today we’re joining our friends over at 2 Brown Dawgs Blog on This ‘N That Thursday. As 2 Brown Dawgs says, This ‘N That Thursday is for times when you want to post about unrelated topics or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post. It can be anything you want, so feel free to grab the button and join us!
Blog Hops
I’m working hard on developing a following on this blog and am always looking for ways to increase readership.
One of the ways to do this is by blog hops. I currently know of blog hops that take place on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
I’d considered making Follow-up Friday into a Blog Hop, but wasn’t sure if there was an interest in it. During one of his comments, Hawk at Brown Dog CBR mentioned his human would be interested in taking part in a Follow-up Friday blog hop.
I figure what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Since I have no experience with organizing a blog hop, it may take me a bit of time to figure it out, but I’m willing to try.
I’m structuring the FUF a little bit differently than the traditional blog hop.
I’d like to share the opportunity to increase readers with other blogs that want to grow, in order to do this, I will make the FUF a co-hosted event.
The twist is there will be a different co-host each week.
If you’d be interested in participating in or co-hosting a FUF post, please let me know in the comments.
For right now, I will take people in the order they show interest. I will keep a running tab and can announce every Friday who the next Friday’s co-host will be.
The other thought I have is to promote this blog hop to other bloggers, not just pet bloggers, this might open up a whole new avenue of readers.
I will be working on a new badge for this event as well. Here’s what I’m thinking for the badge, two sets of footprints, human and dog across the width of the badge.
The slogan will be Follow-Up Friday, the not-just-for-pet-bloggers blog hop, that wraps up your week and leads you right into the weekend. (I got this one from a comment left by Long Life Cats and Dogs.) 😉
Thoughts, comments, suggestions?
Now if we can convince 2BrownDawgs into making This ‘N That Thursday into a blog hop, all the days will be covered. 😉
I have a little point and shoot camera that is almost always in my back pocket on our walks. A few days ago I snapped these pictures and I thought they were so pretty, I just had to share.

When I was framing this shot (if you can call it that) I kept saying, “Don’t go towards the light Sampson, don’t go towards the light.”
Do you have any ideas on how to caption these photos?
Oh and don’t forget to leave me your thoughts and suggestions for a Follow-Up Friday Blog Hop.
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