I sat at this computer last night struggling to 1) finish my Michael Vick post 2) come up with a different post. I couldn’t do either.
I’m a little under the weather right now, nothing major, just a cold but it’s making me feel pretty yucky. I’m a big germ-a-phobe and am very careful about cleaning my hands after touching anything. The office I work in shares a lobby with a Pediatrician’s office so you can imagine there are always sick kids running in and out of there.
The bathroom is in the lobby and I’m extremely careful about using a paper towel to open and close doors on my way back from the bathroom.
I have hand sanitizer in my car, my purse and a big ole industrial size, wall-mounted beast close to my desk.
I take germ fighting seriously.
My boss came in on Monday with a cold. I remember saying to him, stop touching everything, you’re sick! But when you work closely with someone I guess it’s inevitable, I must have missed a key sanitization moment, because here I sit, whining about a cold.
Pre-cold symptoms I did spend some time this past week taking pictures of the beautiful area I live in, I shared some of those photos yesterday but thought I might take an opportunity to put some more up here today.
All of these pictures within a couple of miles of our home. Pre Delilah we walked here a lot, post Delilah, not so much. I do hope we can get back to walking in some of these areas again.
I’m using the Gallery feature that 2 Brown Dawgs turned me on to, so I can fit the pictures here. Hopefully this is more convenient than getting tendonitis in your finger from scrolling too much.
The Gallery option for inserting photos will only allow me to install one gallery, so while these are four different locations, unfortunately they are all lumped together.
A quick index.
Valley Falls (indicated with a (VF) in the descriptions) is a park which Sampson, Delilah and I can access from the trails in our woods. There is a pond used for swimming in the summer (no dogs allowed) and a beautiful trail system.
Risley Dam (RD in the photo descriptions) is actually a reservoir (no dogs swimming) about a two miles from our house. The photos I shared yesterday were taken just before sunset on Wednesday evening, while these photos were taken from the other end of the pond on Thursday afternoon.
The Tankerhoosen (Tank in photo descriptions) is a couple of bodies of water that pool in one area, turn to running water and pool in other areas as well. I guess you could say it’s a series of small bodies of water. We’ve taken the dogs swimming here last year, but there was too much goose poop and I had a hell of a time keeping Delilah out of it.
Finally Bell Sanctuary (BS in photo descriptions) is another series of walking trails not far from us. We have yet to thoroughly check this area out, although Sampson, Delilah and I have explored it a bit.
- A small stream inside the park. (VF)
- There was a lone goose, wandering the beach. (VF)
- Entrance to Valley Falls.
- Leaf reflections. (RD)
- Another shot of the other side. (RD)
- A house right on the water. (Tank)
- The dam at the Tank.
- Someone’s yard. (Tank)
- The other side of the dam. (RD)
- We’ve never actually gone the complete route. (BS)
- Across the pond. (VF)
- Butterfly (RD)
- Entrance to Risley Dam.
- Goose takes a swim. (VF)
- I followed a butterfly. (RD)
- Valley Falls Road.
That’s it for me, hope you have a great weekend. Let me know when you want to bring your dogs for a walk, okay?
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