Remember these guys? They are featured on the cover of The Dogs of Blogville Calendar.

Ryder and Kori from All Things Collie
I’m trying to get the Dogs of Blogville Calendar ordering worked out. I had hopes that WordPress had a plugin for ordering. From what I can see they do, except it’s designed for people purchasing digital items. Which works great for e-books, but not so great for calendars.
Right now it looks like I will be ordering the calendars from either Vista Print or Costco, they are the two with the cheapest prices. I can get the calendars for just under $10, assuming I can send them to you via Priority Mail, we should make a profit of $5 on each calendar.
I had hopes of getting the calendars for less money, so we could donate more, but I can’t find anyone cheaper than $10.
If you know of somewhere else, please let me know. I don’t plan on ordering them until next weekend.
Right now the best I can see for ordering is to use my paypal account, if you don’t have a paypal account or aren’t comfortable with that method then you will need to contact me privately and we can make other arrangements. My paypal is connected to my e-mail account.
It’s important to remember when you are using paypal to indicate the money is for a GIFT, if you do not do that, they will deduct a fee from it, which will decrease our donation to our beneficiaries.
There are a couple of other ways to increase profit.
1) If you live near someone and don’t mind delivering calendars, I can ship them to one address.
2) You can order more than one calendar. 🙂
3) You have the option of donating a bit more for your calendar. The calendars are $20 each, if everyone donated just one additional dollar, it would add up.
It’s just an idea and certainly not required.
If I’ve done this right (sometimes I think I should just rename the blog “If I’ve Done This Right.) you can complete this form and all your information will be sent to me, I will then cross-check the form with the paypal payments and contact you directly if there are any problems.
I’d like to keep the ordering time short, perhaps stop the ordering by next Saturday morning so I can order them and hopefully get the calendars in time for Christmas.
Did I forget anything?
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