This weekend it seemed like Delilah was trying to pluck my last nerve.
It started out on Friday night. I was having some trouble defrosting their food and bringing the temperature up from ice cold. I emptied the dishpan, added some warm water and set her dish inside it, I sat down in the living room. A few minutes later I went in, changed the water and placed the bowl back in the sink. Walked back to the living room and Delilah was in the sink trying to eat the food.
I was so mad, I yelled quite loudly and made her lie on her bed until it was time for dinner.
And you know what? I didn’t feel bad about it either.
Saturday morning we went downstairs to open Mom’s blinds and Delilah stole a muffin mom was defrosting for breakfast. Luckily, I was right there and quickly grabbed it. The she took a pair of Mom’s underwear out of the laundry and rolled in them.
My sister came in with Mom’s groceries and while we were bringing the bags in and trying to put the groceries away, Delilah ate a grape.
My sister was upset, but I just shrugged it off and said, “She already stole Mom’s muffin.”
Now you guys know me, I’m not politically correct, and if you haven’t figured it out yet, sometimes I can be a bit….what shall I call it?
I’m going with raunchy.
Well no surprise, but my sister is too. Anyhoo, this statement, “She already stole Mom’s muffin” understandably got my sister and I off on a tangent.
Sister: “She stole Mom’s muffin? I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”
Me: “She did, she stole Mom’s muffin.”
Sister: “Did she lick Mom’s muffin too”
You get the idea where the conversation went from there. Quite truthfully, I can’t remember much of it, probably because I was laughing so hard.
Of course, Delilah was now on a roll and the weekend continued from there.
She licked my tomato soup cup and I’m pretty sure she drank water out of the sink.
Finally yesterday morning she took a buttery spatula out of the sink and brought it into the living room to clean up on my brand-new-less-than-24-hours-old throw rug.
And people wonder why I start my day with whiskey in my coffee.
It’s because of this dog.

That’s just a load of tosh. Look at this face, a sweet face like this wouldn’t do all those things. Would it?
It boggles my mind. Because she knows so many words. Like last night for instance I gave her her frozen Kong and she took it into the living room and put it down on the new rug. I went in and said “Eck, no, over here.” And she picked up the Kong and moved.
WTF why can’t she understand not to steal stuff off the counters? Any of you have luck training dogs like Delilah?
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