The title was actually going to be my Hate/Hate Relationship With Winter, but when I sat down to write the post, I realized I didn’t hate it quite as much as I thought I did.
Things I hate about winter.
Wrestling the dogs into their boots.
The crud and dust that burning wood for heat brings.
All the snow, sand and crap that comes into the house on your shoes and sinks into the rugs.

Whoops, someone took a dump.Yeah, that’s the chemicals they use on the roads. Believe me, it gets everywhere.
The layers and layers of clothes I need to put on to protect myself from the elements.
Leashes that get dragged through the snow and dirt.
Dirty paws and underbellies.
Having to wear boots with cleats, to keep from slipping on the ice.
Holy gloves. No, not religious gloves, the finger tips of my gloves have been bitten off, because someone is very enthusiastic when she gets a treat.
Morning walks in the dark and having to wear a headlamp on my hat. That lamp is so heavy it sinks the brim of my hat, so in order to see, I have to walk with my head tipped back.
On the flip side. Things I love about winter.
That first big snowfall, when the world is covered in white and snow muffles the sounds of the world. You can walk out in the snow and forge your own path.
Snuggling in a blanket on the couch in front of the fire, with a good book in one hand, a cup of tea or cocoa in the other and a dog on either side.
Cookies fresh from the oven.
All the comfort foods, soup, pot pies, pasta and bread. Mmmmm
Walking the dogs without worrying about ticks.
No bugs.
Easily finding the steaming piles when the dogs do their business.
The lack of people/dogs are on our walks. It’s a sure sign of spring when we start encountering other dog walking peeps.
Help me out here, have I forgotten anything?
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