Well here I am once again a wee bit late in thanking a few blogs that chose to honor me with an award.
I love getting awards because I know that people are actually reading and liking what I’m writing about. It makes me feel like I’m on the right track. 🙂
Today I’m acknowledging two awards, the first was presented to us by Misty Shores Chesapeakes and is called Blog On Fire Award.

Thank you Misty Shores Chesapeakes
The rules that go with this award are easy, link back to the person who awarded you, share five things about yourself, and pass it on.
1) I’m often times my own worse enemy, meaning I always doubt and second guess myself.
2) I’m never satisfied with something I’ve written. I can always go back and think of something I should have added or a different way to phrase something.
3) Number two is why I decided to start using Follow-up Friday on my blog. 🙂
4) I’m a big Lord Of The Rings fan, I could watch those movies back to back to back.
5) In fact when I’m having a blah day, I’ll throw one of the LOTR movies on, or if it happens to be on tv, no matter if I’ve just seen it or not, I will turn the channel and watch it again.
Misty passed the award on to five blogs, so I will do the same.
Donna and the Dogs – Donna’s ON FIRE! LOL this woman has it all going on. She recently won the AKC fiction writing contest for 2012 and if that wasn’t enough, she actually has sent her recently completed novel out to a couple of agents. Watch out for this one, some day we’ll say, I knew her when. 🙂
For The Love of My Dogs – I started following this blog a few months back, Deanna is one of those amazing people who inspire me with their dedication to animals. She currently has three dogs of her own and she still fosters! She is on fire for animal rescue.
Hound Girl – I love Kari’s blog, she says it the way she sees it and in my opinion it doesn’t get better than that! Kari is on fire, she has sponsors and give-aways and is a mover and a shaker.
Mazzie Takes Manhattan – This is one of the news blogs I follow. Miss Mazzie is a lab mix (I think) and lives the glamorous life in Manhattan. Join her on her many adventures, that little city girl gets around. 🙂
Thecvillean – I love this blog, Al is sarcastic, funny and just downright entertaining. If you haven’t checked this blog out yet, I certainly encourage you to try it!
Thanks again to Misty Shores for the Blog on Fire Award.
As if that wasn’t enough, we were also presented with the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, not just by one blog but by two!
On July 17th, Chuck and the Collies from Collies of the Meadow presented us with this award and yesterday Donna from Donna and the Dogs gave us the second one.
This award requires I tell you SEVEN things about myself. You’d think this would be easy since I put so much of myself out here, but that’s what makes it so hard. I basically tell you everything about myself already. But I’ll give it my best shot.
1) I had set Friday night aside to work on my book but didn’t do it.
2) I’m actually thinking of going back to the beginning of the book and see if I can add some more description to it.
3) After reading Donna’s AKC fiction story, I can see that much of my writing lacks description. :0
4) I walk the dogs as much for myself as I do for them, even though sometimes I complain about it.
5) I have a license to carry a concealed weapon in the state of CT.
6) I drive a Hyundai Tucson, I hate it.
7) I’m a big military supporter and think we should have better benefits for our veterans.
According to Donna’s post I need to pass this on to seven blogs. I’ll give this my best shot. 🙂
Kol’s Notes – I get so many nutritional tips from this blog, besides look at that cute puggle face and tell me you can resist it.
My Brown Newfies – Really her escapades with Leroy are about as legendary as mine with Delilah and besides she was cool enough to give me her cell phone number. 🙂 Brave or crazy, I’m not sure which. 🙂
Long Life Cats and Dogs – I just started following this blog, she works in animal rescue though, so what’s not to love.
Rescued Insanity – Have you ever seen a tornado on a leash? LOL yes that is Kristine’s motto regarding her rescued dog Shiva. When I read about Kristine and how far she has come with Shiva, it gives me hope for Delilah and me. 🙂
Something Wagging This Way Comes – I love reading about Pamela and all the lessons she is learning from her Golden Retriever, Honey.
Thank you again, Collies of the Meadow and Donna and the Dogs. I really appreciate the recognition.
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