Kathleen Gage Community Challenge – Week Eight
The Thursday night I was at BlogPaws, there was a Sip ‘N Paint event hosted by the Red Roof Inn. Siriusly, is there anything that says community more, than getting drunk and painting with 100 of your closest friends? ‘-)
I really had my doubts about me making a painting that might actually look like a painting. But the ladies who guided us on this painting adventure were quite simply, amazing. As you can see from the above photo, we started out using a ruler and pencil and drawing a line halfway down the canvas. Don’t worry, I moved the wine before I started painting. (Mostly I moved it into my belly. LOL)
We made these paintings using only the colors of blue, black, white, yellow, and red. When I looked at the painting completed by the woman leading us, I thought, shit, there’s no way in hell.

Look at Maggie, she’s all cool, professional looking, me, I’ve already sipped waaaay to much and veered off topic. Photo by Jodi Chick, used with permission.
I mean, look. I’ve barely started and I’ve got my canvas in my hand. What’s up with that? (Maybe it’s that half empty wine glass…) 😉
The ladies leading the charge gave us step-by-step instructions. As it turned out, we all made some really nice paintings. Many thanks to the professionals who guided us, and the nice folks at Red Roof Inn for supplying all the necessary supplies.
Oh, and Chloe was nice enough to ship the paintings home for those of us who didn’t have room to pack them.
Speaking of Red Roof Inns, did you know that pets stay free at Red Roof Inns? Every Red Roof Inn allows at least one pet at no charge, while many others will accept more than one. If you are traveling with more than one pet, please call ahead and confirm that particular hotel will allow more than one.
Anyone who travels with pets knows, it’s not always easy finding a place that accepts pets. My friend Jen, from My Brown Newfies, drove from Ohio to South Carolina, with Leroy, her Newfoundland. Being the diligent dog owner that she is, Jen had called ahead and planned on stopping at a Red Roof Inn. Then, because she was making such good time, she decided to keep driving. And she had to keep driving, and driving, and driving, because she had trouble finding another hotel that would accept dogs. Especially a dog the size of Leroy.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve reached the age, where when I travel, I like to know where I’m stopping. Those days of driving until I’m punch drunk, and have the “I’m tired” giggles, are well over. This ole’ gal needs to know there’s a place to lay her head. 🙂
One more thing before I let you go. Did you remember that next Saturday, July 15th is the quarterly Blog the Change for Animals blog hop? I’ll be co-hosting along with Kim Thomas from Cindy Lu’s Muse. For those that don’t know about BTC, it’s a quarterly blog hop where blogger’s write about causes that are near and dear to our hearts, or issues that are affecting animals.
Because of my co-hosting duties for the Pet Blogger Showcase, my BTC post will be up on Thursday, but the linky won’t open until the 15th.
I hope you’ll consider joining us. Even if you wrote a post a while ago, if it’s about animal welfare, please be sure to link up.
Hope to see you then!
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