When I first initiated WTF Wednesday it was based on a story I read about a man stomping on a hawk. Thankfully the hawk wasn’t terribly injured, the man in question was apprehended by police and I wrote a scathing, humorous (at least I thought so) post.
The next couple of weeks I found other stories or people forwarded them to me and before I knew it, I was writing a weekly series. People left me comments, on the blog and on facebook telling me how much they loved WTF Wednesday.
More and more the stories started to become depressing and hard to write, which is when I added in the Whoo/Hoo portion of the post, it gave me a respite from the horrific things I was reading.
With the time constraints I have on me this month, and the little time I get on facebook (thank you for all of you who called me out,) I decided to put WTF Wednesday on hiatus.
In last week’s WTF comments, Sue wrote, “I am beginning to edit what I see/read because I just can’t take any more cruelty stories. I don’t know if the world has become a more cruel place (I think it has) or if more is reported these days, but there’s too much violently bad news for me.”
That really hit home for me, because the stories have become more vile and disturbing, and it’s hard to even read some of these stories, never mind write about them. More and more I’ve struggled trying to write the WTF Wednesday post.
Then Monday, Pamela wrote, “The Puppiness Project – Time To Say Goodbye” Pamela has learned a lot from her dog Honey and she’s written more posts than she initially expected and she has shared them on her blog.
The line that really touched me was this one, “But lately, I’ve felt less enthusiastic about writing my Puppiness Project posts……I’m uninspired.”
That my friends, just about sums up WTF Wednesday for me in a nutshell. I don’t look forward to them anymore.
Am I saying I will never write a WTF Wednesday post again? No, never is a long time. Besides I have this spiffy badge that my friend Julie made for me.
What I am saying is when I see the story about a dog that shot a hunter in the ass, I will call him out and tell him how stupid he is for turning his back on dog with a gun in his paws.
Because when you’ve lived as long as I have, you know the next WTF is just around the corner.
You may notice the title of this post is Whoo Hoo.
I do like to share heartwarming and inspiring stories with you, so I picked out a couple that really spoke to me this past week.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Rescued Michael Vick Dogs Reunited Five Years Later, CA
A bunch of the dogs rescued from the Bad Newz Kennel met again last month. What inspires me the most is despite the horrific beginning these dogs had, they have gone on to live happy lives filled with love. That my friends is the true heart of a dog.
People give donations for dogs seized in Bethlehem, Bethlehem, CT
If I were writing WTF post this would have probably made the cut.
The bad news is there were about 60 dogs removed from a man presenting himself as a rescue, the good news is that people are sending in donations and the dogs will get the help they need.
And how can you beat this title?
“Seeing my dog the day I got back from Afghanistan,”
Grab a tissue, it rained on my face when I watched it.
Has your blog ever evolved in an unexpected way? Did you ever start something and then found you really had to work at it? How did you manage, did you just work through it or go in a different direction?
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