We’re in the midst of winter in the northeast. Thursday we had a blizzard that dumped about a foot of snow on top of the six or so we already had on the ground. The state and towns are pretty good about pre-treating the roads BEFOREa storm, but the chemicals they use on the roads, can really do a number on little paws. Add in some Arctic air, with temperatures dropping below zero, and walks can be challenging.
There have been walks where both dogs have lifted up paws, because they’ve gotten road chemicals, or snow in their paws. Sometimes they come up limping, or sometimes they just stop and wait for you to wipe their feet. After it happens once or twice, and you’ve used your gloves to wipe a foot, you come up with the only conclusion you can.
One dog will wear a coat. One dog will not.
One dog will stay still while you put the boots and coat on.
One dog runs and tries to hide, or just refuses to get off the couch.
One dog tolerates boots fairly well. One dog walks like Frankenstein every time the boots go on. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Honestly, you’d think she was a house elf and I was trying to give her clothes.

It’s not the greatest picture, because I was too far away, but she thinks by hiding on the couch, she can get away without wearing boots.
I’ve reached an age where I’m particular about the battles I fight. I won’t fight the coat battle. My thought is, we move along at a pretty decent clip, and if it’s too cold, I can always cut the walk short.
But I will fight the boot battle. I insist they wear the boots on their back feet, and I carry a small dish towel to wipe front paws if the need arises.
Yesterday she tried to climb into Daddy’s lap to avoid getting the boots on. Of course we laughed. I mean you can’t help but laugh because she’s just so damn dramatic, I started calling her the Diva of Drama.
What did your pet do to make you laugh this week?
You make me laugh, (or smile). The sweet, funny, loving things dogs do that make us laugh or smile.
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