Do you Dorot?
I discovered these wonderful little cubes at Trader Joe’s.
Currently I’ve only used the Garlic and Basil, but I love these things! They are little frozen cubes of herbs imported from Israel.
One cube equals one teaspoon, no chopping, mincing or crushing. I pop three cubes of Garlic and three cubes of Basil into my spaghetti sauce and it’s just perfect.
At Trader Joe’s the price is $1.99, at my local grocery store it’s $2.99.
Once I’ve used all the little cubes I have a nifty little tray to do something else with.
Dog treats!
You could basically freeze anything in these cubes.
Here’s what I put it mine.
This one has pumpkin. I used a butter knife and plopped it in, then leveled it off.
This one has some applesauce and some yogurt.
They freeze pretty quickly and they pop right out. (Except when you overfill the applesauce.)
I don’t know about you, but my guys are always hanging around the kitchen, and when they actually stay out of my way, I like to give them a little reward. The problem is we’re also watching their weight so I don’t like to give too many traditional dog treats.
Besides, have you noticed all the recalls lately? That’s right, when you make your own treats you know exactly what went into them.
Do you have trouble getting medication into your pup? Is (s)he a pill spitter? I see no reason why you couldn’t freeze the pill inside one of these tasty little cubes an hour or so before it was due.
Presto, no muss, no fuss.
Here are some of the other things I’ve thought of that you could put in there:
Beef or chicken broth
Cottage Cheese
Peanut butter
What’s your pups favorite treat? Do you think it’s freezable?

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