No it’s true, despite my best efforts, I just don’t have the drive to bake for my dogs. I want to, really I do, because I love baking, but when I bake I want to bake for me.
As I’ve mentioned before, when it comes to the dog treats, I’m all about the easy. Which is why a few months back I recommended filling some white bones with Keifer.
Our bones were looking a little worn, so Sunday I popped over to my neighborhood retail store and picked up a couple of new ones.
They were stuffed with something that was referred to as ‘peanut butter’ but the very first ingredient was corn syrup. I took a little plastic knife and scrapped that crap stuff out, soaked the bones in some soapy water and filled them with pumpkin and applesauce.
Nine o’clock rolls around and it’s time for snack. Delilah gets her treat in the living room while Sampson gets his in the bedroom. Normally I watch TV in the bedroom, but as it happens the living room TV was mine.
I was catching up on some DVR’d shows and doing the great facebook time suck when I realized Delilah was still working on her bone. I glanced at the clock and she’d been going at it for about 45 minutes.
I figured there was probably a little bit of that ‘peanut butter’ left in the bone and wondered if Sampson was enjoying his as much as Delilah was.
Imagine my surprise when I walked into the bedroom and half of Sampson’s bone was gone.
Not half of the filling.
Half of the bone.
Oh there were little bits and pieces of it left on the bed, but the bone was half its original size.
It started out like this.
As you can imagine, I freaked out.
Just. A. Little. Bit.
Granted the white bone says it is beef, and we feed raw so a bit of bone should be okay, but there was a LOT of that bone missing.
Yesterday, first thing I called my vet. I thought maybe Sampson should go in and have an x-ray.
She thought that might be a little premature.
She told me to keep an eye on him, to watch for vomiting or straining when he poops, or just signs that he’s not feeling well.
She also feels that if he did swallow a larger piece, it should be able to be passed by giving him an enema. (I figure that’s the last time Sampson happily goes to the vet.)
So here we sit in a holding pattern, keeping a sharp eye on Sampson.
It’s been about 36 hours and so far, he’s happily eating his food, hasn’t vomited and has done a normal poop.
The vet said about 48 hours, so we are in the home stretch. Please keep your fingers crossed for us.
And remember, when giving your pets anything that has the potential to break or be chewed apart, please monitor them.
My worry could have been prevented had I only paid attention.
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