Today we join our friends at the 2 Brown Dawgs blog for This ‘N That Thursday. You know, This ‘N That Thursday, A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…
Courtesy of 2 Brown Dawgs Blog
Many thanks to our friends at the 2 Brown Dawgs Blog.
Lyme Disease
Yesterday I wrote about the day my grandchildren spent with me. It was a warm day and my granddaughter had her shirt off. As I sat next to her during dinner, I noticed a tiny black mark surrounded by lightly irritated skin on her side.
I said to Hubby, “I think she has a tick.”
Of course he went and got our tick key and the rubbing alcohol and removed it. He said, “I don’t think it’s a tick, it came off too easy.”
I put some antibiotic cream on the spot and told my daughter to keep an eye on it. Last Thursday my granddaughter went to the Dr. because the spot had grown to the size of a quarter. The Dr. said it was a spider bite.
Bullshit I thought, spiders don’t attach themselves to your skin. (Unless they’re vampire spiders and then I have no idea what they do.)
Saturday the mark had taken on the distinction of what is commonly known as a target. The Dr. diagnosed Lyme Disease and my granddaughter is currently on a three week course of antibiotics.
The Dr. said my granddaughter should be fine. But it will always be something in the back of our minds when she isn’t feeling well.
According to the CDC, a tick has to be attached for 36 to 48 hours in order to transmit the Lyme Disease. This tick was tiny, about the size of the head of a pin.
Just a warning, make sure you check yourself, your kids, and pets.
We’re very lucky we caught this early.
Sampson has a lump. It’s under his right arm. About two years ago I found a lump on his side, we went to the vet and had it aspirated, it turned out to be a fatty deposit, which is fairly common in Labradors.
I called to schedule an appointment. My vet recently had elbow surgery and isn’t seeing dogs over 40 pounds until the first week in July. The other two vets in the practice that I would normally see are on vacation next week, so I decided to wait until the first week in July. Of course I’ll keep my eye on it and if it begins to grow I will bring him in and see whoever is there.
I’m praying (and I’d appreciate any prayers you want to throw our way too) that it is just another fatty deposit. I will keep you posted.
Mr. Linky
A couple weeks ago I wrote about the problem I had with the Linky Tool. What happened was someone was joining the blog hop and beat me and the co-host at getting their link hooked up. I went to my Linky Tool dashboard and saw, manage links in hop, so I clicked on it and moved the link to third position. The problem was that everyone who joined the hop, pushed this persons post further and further down the list, so they were always last.
I finally wrote to Mr. Linky again and asked about managing the links and he told me I couldn’t do it.
Um…..sorry Mr. Linky but clearly I did it. You may want to look at your product again.
As of right now I’m almost positive I won’t be renewing my subscription with Mr. Linky.
Follow-up Friday
Follow-up Friday is being co-hosted this week by Kari from Hound Girl. She will have the link up and on her blog tomorrow morning. We will be participating in K-9 Kamp so our Follow-Up Friday post will go up on Saturday again.
If anyone is interested in co-hosting, it’s not that hard and I’d love to share the linky love. 🙂
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