Lately Sampson hasn’t been responding to me when we encounter people or other dogs on our walks. This means his off-leash privileges have been revoked. There are still some times and some days when I let him off leash a bit, but for the most part he’s on the long leash the same as Delilah.
I hear too many stories of dogs being lost or stolen and I’d rather not take the chance. The kicker was the day he ran off, ignoring me completely and followed a couple of fellow hikers.
Sorry Sampson, that doesn’t fly with the Mama.
As those of you who walk more than one dog know, multiple dogs can prove to be challenging. I’ve been searching for a leash coupler, but the places around me are out of stock on the 24″. I have found it on-line, but the shipping options suck. I think it’s ridiculous to pay $10 to ship a $5 leash, especially when I just shipped 95 calendars all for around $5 each. One of my local stores is ordering a coupler for me but in the meantime, I walk two dogs and deal with the challenges.
At times (depending on my mood) this can be frustrating for me. But not this day. This day I chose to find the humor in it. I took the photo and then I waited. I waited to see who would move first. And I thought, I can work with this.
Here’s where you come in. Remember those Dogs of Blogville Calendars?

Mr. February – Wrigs – Life with Wrigs: hike, play, eat, nap!
In order to get the cheapest price, I ordered a few extra. So I thought, let’s do something fun and give one of those away.
Are you up for the challenge?
In the top photo, we have Sampson to the left side of the tree and Delilah to the right. In the comments tell me who turned back to me first and which path we ended up taking. Don’t worry, everyone who comments will go in the drawing for the calendar, you don’t need to have guessed correctly to win. will choose the winner, which I’ll announce in next week’s Thanksgiving edition of This ‘N That Thursday. I’ll cut off entries Tuesday night at midnight EST.
Ready. Set. Which Way Do We Go?
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