Welcome to This ‘N That Thursday hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs Blog. It’s the blog hop that has some of this and a little of that and everything in between. Many thanks to our friends at the 2 Brown Dawgs Blog for this awesome hop!

Courtesy of 2 Brown Dawgs Blog
Let’s get to it, shall we?
Out Foxed Again
Yesterday morning I went outside to empty the dehumidifier. Sampson loves this part of the morning. He goes outside with me and sniffs around checking to see what types of visitors we’ve had during the night. He is very thorough in his investigations, giving special attention to areas of the lawn where he’s certain something has trodden.
It was a quiet, cool morning and we stood in the driveway just enjoying the break from the heat and humidity.(Sometimes he just stands in the driveway surveying the neighborhood, like a King surveying his Kingdom. )
I was facing the street and Sampson was facing the lawn when I saw him cock his head. I knew he’d seen something so as I turned my head to look I said, “Leave it.”
Thank Dog he’s got a solid leave it. That dang fox ran down our front lawn and across the street disappearing somewhere in the neighbor’s yard.
Can you imagine if it had been Delilah? I’d still be running.
And where was my camera? In the freaking house!! Out foxed again. One of these days little fox, I will get a decent picture of you.
When we want back inside the house, Sampson immediately went to the door leading to the upstairs. When I didn’t move towards it, he came back and Roo’ed at me to open the door. Such a smart boy!
Reading and Commenting on Blog Posts
I’m so far behind in reading and commenting. I’m trying to catch up, I really am. I guess taking almost two weeks off has a tendency to put one behind.
As of right now I have over 700 posts in my feeder. I’ve caught up on a few blogs, just know if you see a random comment here and there, it’s because I’m trying to catch up and I just can’t comment on every single post. 🙁
If there’s something important I need to know, please share it with me in the comments or drop me a private message via facebook or e-mail.
The Dogs of Blogville Calendar Contest
Don’t forget to get your pictures in for this Calendar Contest. In years to come you’ll be able to say, “My dog was March 2014.” Yes. You. Will.
So far we have five entries.
What Will Delilah do for a piece of fruit?
For those of you who missed it, here is the promised video with my wild and highly food motivated lab.
Follow-Up Friday
Guess what? I coerced a newbie to co-host tomorrow’s hop. I hope you’re as excited as I am! I will be joined tomorrow by none other than Flea from Jones Natural Chews!
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