Yesterday was rainy and humid, with storm warnings posted through much of the day. Thankfully the storms pushed out the humidity and we woke up this morning to a still overcast, but cool morning. Presently the sun is shining, the leaves are gently swaying on the tree outside and football is on the TV.
My favorite time of year.
It’s a perfect day to acknowledge a recent blogging award.
Our friends over at DogDaz gave us the Addictive Blogger Award. Thank you DogDaz, we appreciate you thinking of us!
Of course, it wouldn’t be a blog award if it didn’t have some requirements to go along with it.
1. Thank the giver who has bestowed on us this award. Check!
2. Link back to the blog who gave you the award. Check!
3. Talk about why I blog and why I started blogging. I started blogging because I wanted to improve my writing skills I continue to blog because I really love the interaction with my friends.
4. Post the Award. Check!
5. Nominate 10 other bloggers for the award.
Just 10? Do you know how many blogs I have in my reader?
Don’t feel bad, I don’t either. I tried to figure it out last night and changed something which took me about 15 minutes to fix.
Ah technology why oh why do you tax me so?
Anyway, I digress, here are the 10 blogs I’m passing on the Addictive Blog award to.
Donna and the Dogs Just Toby – Yesterday Toby (a dog that looks eerily like Sampson) took over Donna’s blog. I haven’t stopped laughing since. This is one funny dog. I. Kid. You. Not.
I Still Want More Puppies – Between her stories about Bella, her punny pet names and her Friday linkage, I dare you not to enjoy this blog.
Life With Desmond – It’s always an adventure with Desmond, my favorite story was when he somehow managed to get out of the back yard, causing Lauren to run frantically around the block in her slippers.
Mazzie Takes Manhattan – What can I tell you about Mazzie, she’s living the posh city life (her assistant takes her EVERYWHERE) and she’s sharing it with us.
My Imperfect Dog – Look at Silas, he is just the cutest dog. His humans are adjusting to life with a dog and all the zaniness that goes with a fearful guy. They’re doing an awesome job.
My Brown Newfies – Picture Delilah twice the size. Yup that would be Jen and her dog Sherman (or is it Leroy?) I can never remember which one is her trouble-maker.
Rescued Insanity – Kristine gives all of us with crazy dogs hope. The amazing progress she’s made with Shiva makes me forget that her tagline is “Have you ever seen a tornado on a leash?”
Something Wagging – Pamela is learning a whole lot from her Golden Retriever, Honey. Similar to my learning from Sampson and Delilah, except she’s learning quicker and she a whole lot more articulate than I am.
Thecvillean – This blog is witty. If you don’t think so, then just check out one of his posts where he responds to his spam. Priceless.
This Is My Beautiful Life – A new blog I recently stumbled upon, a twenty-something pondering the realities of her life, throw in a bunch of sass and a few swear words and you’re talking my kind of blog. Hilarious!
I have a couple of other awards, but can see this post is getting long, so I will save those for another day.
I hope you enjoy reading some of my favorite blogs as much as I do.
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