I’ve been searching for a new dog beg for quite some time. It’s not like we don’t have dog beds, we have one in practically every room of our house. The one I like the best is also the one we’ve had the longest and it’s also the one that’s the worse for wear.
We got this bed for Sampson when he was about a year old, it’s huge. One side is fleece and the other is not. (Don’t ask me, I don’t know what kind of material it is!)
Sampson doesn’t care much for the fleece side, so the other side is the one that gets all the scratching and pulling in attempts to get it comfy. Last year I patched the holes by sewing some material inside it, but it didn’t last.
Slowly but surely the holes have gotten bigger and thanks to the Giant Ass Clown the stuffing gets pulled out. Since I couldn’t find a dog bed that I was thrilled with, I decided to repair the bed again.
I started out with some green quilted material that I had left over from another project. I wasn’t thrilled with the color, but it’s what I had so I went with it.
I washed the covering of the bed and turned it inside out, pinning the the green material as close to the edges as I could get it. This proved to be somewhat challenging as the edges are trimmed with a heavy cord, but by removing the footer and maneuvering the material I managed.
Once that was completed, I cut a square out of the center of the bed, removing the holey parts. And using a binding stitch, I sewed the around the square.
And then I re-stuffed it and brought it into the bedroom.
Of course my little shadow was right behind me so I asked her to pose on the refurbished bed.

I don’t know why you’re asking me to pose on this bed. MY bed is that large sleep comfort bed right over there. My sleep number by the way is 45.
Clearly she finds it beneath her.
Have you ever had a great bed, that your pets loved that you had to repair? Or did you just break down and buy a new one?

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