When one of my blogging friends publishes a book, I’m super excited for them.
Naturally I want to help them in any way I can. I mean, as an aspiring author myself, I understand the value of promoting yourself and your work.
When my friend, Peggy Frezon asked me if I was interested in sharing the video trailer for her new book, “Faithfully Yours,” I said of course!
“Faithfully Yours: The Amazing Love Between Us and Our Animals with inspiring stories of devotion, protection, healing, compassion, and faith, Faithfully Yours explores why we love animals so much.”
“For anyone who’s ever loved, and known the love of, a special animal.”
Want to hear something REALLY exciting? You can pre-order the book on Amazon…TODAY.
Knowing the bond I have with my dogs, I’m super excited to read this book and hear about other people’s experiences.
Want a sneak peak? Here’s the book trailer and keep your eyes sharp peeps, you just might see a special Golden Boy and his owner. 🙂
Do you have or have you had a special bond with one of your pets? I’d love to hear about it.

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