I had an entirely different post planned for today and then last night Lauren from Life With Desmond posted a link on my facebook page that said WTF Wednesday Worthy. I clicked the link and read the article with my mouth open.
And then a voice that sounded a lot like Tone Loc said, “Let’s Do It.”
So back not by popular demand, but because my inner Loc is screaming, here once again is WTF/Whoo Hoo Wednesday.

Graphic Designed by Julie Melfi, Leg Up Creative Solutions.
Florida governor RETURNED the rescue dog he adopted for his 2010 campaign…AFTER he’d won – The Governor’s Office, Florida
Yup, you read it right. Rick Scott adopted a dog shortly after he won the republican nomination, used and campaigned with the “rescue” dog and a month after he took office, returned the dog.
His official statement?
“He was a rescue dog,” Scott said, “and he couldn’t be around anybody that was carrying anything, and so he wouldn’t get better.”
Of course he wouldn’t get better, not on his own you stupid slug. I get that you’re the freaking GOVERNOR, and may not have the time to work with him but it’s not like you can’t find a trainer to HELP the dog get better.
If I’d voted for your ass I’d be calling your office up and asking for my vote back, you filthy little toe rag.
One of the articles I researched said Rick Scott is going to be a grandfather this year.
I can picture him holding a crying baby, “Shhh, shhhh little baby,” sighs, jiggles the baby a bit “ it-won’t-stop-crying. Oh here, go back to your mother.
Whoo Hoo
Really, what would a WTF post be without a little Whoo Hoo?
This little video came across my facebook page on Sunday evening. Really, I could watch it over and over again with tears streaming down my face every time.
It’s long (7 minutes) but you’ll be hooked, I promise.
So how’s your week been? Any WTF or Whoo Hoo’s you’d like to share?
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