Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday (FUF) the blog hop that let’s you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
This week my co-hostess is JoAnn from Sand Spring Cheseapeakes, thank you JoAnn and welcome. If you haven’t check Sand Spring Chesapeakes out yet, hop on over. She has four (yes 4!) Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and has recently added MK (Marsh Kitty) to her household. MK’s story is a sad but sweet story with both joy and sorrow involved. JoAnn’s clarity as to why MK came into her life just astounds me.
Get Your Hustle On
Boy the comments I got about the ages of dogs and what constitutes a senior. Don’t shoot the messenger peeps, I’m just relaying what I’m told. Based upon my dog’s ages and breed, they are both considered senior. If you’d like to know if your dog is considered a senior, check out this handy age converter.
I can assure you, I do not consider my dogs to be seniors.
You may have noticed in yesterday’s post we were awarded the “Walking Warriors Award” from K-9 Kamp.

Thank you to Kol’s Notes and Peggy’s Pet Place for hosting K-9 Kamp.
I love the name of this award but when I was chatting with Jodi, she let slip we almost got the “way to find a loophole award.” Dude, I would have loved that one too.
This comment from Frankie and Ernie made ME laugh, “We have them TUNED… Mine (Frankie Furter) are always F Sharps… and Ernie’s are E Flats. BOTH are grrrreat fur making mom and dad SQUEAL with Delight.”
Delilah is actually the first dog I’ve ever heard fart. And her reaction makes it funnier.
Sue said, “Hmm… I’d be worried about disease if the dogs got too close to those foxes!
Don’t think it hasn’t crossed my mind. That and what if they’re rabid?
Did you read Kirsten’s comment? “Yesterday’s experience took the cake though, on our evening walk we came across a deer who actually stood her ground, reared up, and attacked Lady!”
Holy crap!! I’d probably pull out my pepper blaster and give that deer a snootful!
Jen stated there were a number of wild animals in there park “and cornish game hen fat squirrels in the library’s park. They come up to you and beg like little dogs; I’ve considered clicker training one or more of them for the lolz.”
My dear, I would pay to see that. 😉
Jessica asked, “Surely the fox would run from dogs as big as Sampson and Delilah?”
GOD I hope so. If not, they’ll be running from me and my .22!
JoAnn asked, “Wow a couple of foxes, do you live in the city?
No, we are not in a big city. We live in a town of about 30,000, but our neighborhood is in a very woodsy section of town.
Basil said, “Maybe you can talk fox as well as you talk deer and you will have nothing to worry about?!”
Well we don’t know that yet Basil and no, your typist did not confuse me with someone else. 🙂
You guys, on top of the sadness of two of our friends losing their furry ones, Penny’s story just about kills me. I look at her face and I see the worry in her eyes and I just want to fix it, you know?
Julie said, “Stories like Penelope’s break my heart – what kind of heartless person disposes of their senior dog because it is inconvenient?”
Sage said, “How can people be so cruel?”
Snoopy said, “Penelope’s story made my Mum cry, how can people do that?”
I don’t know, I just don’t know. But it breaks my heart too.
Jessica said, “Our city shelter runs a fantastic program to pair senior dogs with senior citizens–very low adoption fees, and assistance with the dog’s medical bills. The lower-energy dogs are better company than a rowdy puppy. I wish it were more common.”
I love this idea. I wonder how I could get something like this started?
Donna said, “You. Are. Killing. Me. I need a bigger house. And maybe some lotto winnings…!”
Me too my friend, me too.
Urban Hounds said, “I worry constantly about the time I have left with my old dogs, not an evening passes that I dont think about the fact that another day with them is over.”
You and me both. I could literally turn into a puddle thinking about losing my dogs. If I ever had to cry on cue, I would think about that. It puts me over the edge.
Delilah Likes to Roll in Smelly Things
Holy Helen, if you want to read some funny stuff, go back and read the comments on this one. I cracked up more than once.
I had to single this one by Frankie and Ernie out, “there was that ONE time… when we had company and I (Frankie Furter) came walking out… wearing one of mom’s Flopper Stoppers.”
I’m guessing what a Flopper Stopper is and picturing it in my mind.
I am laughing.
This is the Follow-Up Friday Blog Hop hosted by Sand Spring Chesapeakes and Heart Like a Dog.
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