Blog Design
As many of you noticed yesterday I have a new blog design. The design was done by Julie Melfi from Leg Up Creative Solutions and The Daily Dog Blog. Every single thing you see on this blog is all Julie. She chose the colors, the layout, the header and designed the graphic in the header as well.
Can I tell you how much I love this design?
To infinity and beyond.
Julie I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Daily Walks
Our daily walks have become sporadic. First off it’s dark and I don’t like walking the dogs by myself. What I started doing was taking Sampson for a very short walk and then coming home and grabbing Delilah and taking her for a longer walk. One day last week I was walking on the road and Delilah was up on the grass. We came to a hedge and I can’t tell you how it happened but Delilah was ass over tea kettle rolling on the ground. Once she got up, she was staring intently into the darkness and I thought, I’m out of here. I hurried her home so I could examine her in the light to make sure she wasn’t hurt.
Thankfully I couldn’t find anything that indicated she’d hurt herself.
Then last weekend I came down with Diverticulitis and didn’t feel much like walking. When I did I thought I’d take both dogs for a slow walk up the street, then stop and drop Sampson at the house and continue with Delilah.
Well it snowed Tuesday night into yesterday morning and that Polar Vortex wandered down this way and we couldn’t walk Tuesday night, so last night I thought I’ll walk the dogs. I leashed them both up and headed up the street. We’d gotten about four houses up and Sampson lifted his bad leg.
I thought he probably has snow in his paw, so I wiped it but decided to turn around and head towards home and he limped. I stopped him in his tracks and called Hubby and said, Come get him, he’s limping.
As of the writing of this post, he hasn’t limped but I’m not taking a chance he could slip on the ice and blow that knee out. He’s done with walks until we get the all cleared.
Coyote Ugly
Because of our limited walks I decided to try and give Delilah a wood walk on Sunday and we ran into a walking buddy we haven’t seen in eons!
She told me that her partner saw a HUGE coyote in their back yard that morning.
Their. Back. Yard! OMG
Just to give you some perspective I made a crude little map.
So, my house is that first reddish pin prick at the end of the crude green line. (Hey I love you guys and all but I’m not putting my home address up… have to call first before you stop over.) 🙂 The big red star is the woods where we walk and the red pentagon is where my friend lives. That red arrow to the left of the pentagon is a rough idea of where she saw the coyote. In a strait line, it’s probably only about 1/4 mile away.
Barks and Bytes
Welcome to our first Thursday Barks And Bytes Blog Hop!
This is what happens when two blog hops collide!
I am thrilled to be co-hosting the Thursday Barks And Bytes Hop with my pal Linda from 2 Brown Dawgs.
To kick off the new hop we are giving away a $25.00 Amazon gift card. To enter the give-away, all you have to do is display our badge in your post and enter the hop. The hop will be open until 11:59 PM on Saturday 1-25-14. We will draw the winner at random and announce it next Thursday.
So grab the badge and join the hop!
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