When my kids lived in Florida for a couple of years, they developed a taste for something known as sweet tea. If you are not familiar with this drink, it’s basically iced tea with sugar in it. It’s way to sweet for me, but hey, to each his own.
This time of year, you’ll find a lot of dogs eating grass. My vet says this is because the grass is sweet time of year, which is why I’m calling this, the sweet tea for dogs.
FTR I do have a dog, that loves the sweet grass. This time of year, Delilah becomes an eater of grass. She’s particular about WHICH grass she eats, carefully checking out the taller grass, which is typically found around the mailboxes.
The funny thing is, despite the fact that she WANTS to eat the grass, she makes the funniest faces while she’s doing it.
Unfortunately, it’s difficult to catch on camera, but if I had to describe it, the best I can do is she wrinkles her nose.
I can’t help but laugh.
You make me laugh (or smile.) The sweet, funny, loving things my dogs do that make me laugh or smile.
What did your pet do that made you laugh or smile.
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