Thanks for joining me today for Follow-up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally wrap up my week.
Jan K said, “It sounds like he knew where he wanted to go, and he was going! It’s good to see him out there.”
He’s been wanting to get there for ages! It’s been so hard to deny him, but he was so slow going up the hill and in order to keep within our time frame, I’d have to turn him around. BUT this last week he’s been getting up the hill almost as fast as Delilah does, so it was his payoff for his hard work. It pleased us both to no end that he made it there. I had begun to wonder if he’d ever get up there again. Of course, he still wants to get inside the park and we’ve yet to have clearance for that because I have to keep him from hitting soft earth or (dog forbid) a hole.
Sophie said, “We have a golden similar to Delilah’s nature that we rescued when he was almost two. He has been a challenge, but has made great strides in the last two years. We have come to accept that he will always have some quirks that are just him. We are grateful to have him, because we worry what might have happened to him if he got in the wrong hands. Some dogs just need a little more patience than others!!!”
I worried about that with Delilah too. She was so nuts when she came to us at about 18 months old. Honestly her exploits at that age were so outrageous. I was afraid if I didn’t keep her she’d be bounced from home to home to home. I’m so glad you stuck with your guy. He will get better too, the longer you have him and show him love and patience… really pays off.
Sue said, “That’s that Yankee know-how, isn’t it?”
Yes ma’am. I like to say what one of us doesn’t think of the other does. 😉
Jenna Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady asked, “Ah!!! Haha!!!! But why? Oh why would you pee on a frog?”
That is the question I am asking myself! I have no idea.
Molly the Wally said, “No we must be boring and we seldom even leave pee-mail.”
Molly, there are many words that come to mind when I think of you, kind, thoughtful, generous, funny…..but boring is NOT one of them. xoxo
Lauranne said, “The poor little frog – I can’t tell from the picture is it alive or is in no longer with us? (I assume if it is no longer with us it isn’t because of the pee?!)”
He is for sure, dead. And no, it is not because of the pee. I think he got run over, because he’s kind of, um, uh….flat.
Frankie and Ernie said, “Can you just HEAR that frog telling his buddies about this? REALLY GUYZ… furst there was this DARKNESS then there was a WARM Rain. MUST BE SPRING.”
Fur sure that’s what he’d be saying if he could talk. Or if she peed on him before he got squished.
Elizabeth K said, “Dewi pees on Jon Farleigh’s nose sometimes.”
Hehehe, that reminds me of the time that Delilah peed on Sampson’s head. She went for a squat just as he stuck his head down in the same area, without missing a beat, she lifted her leg up and over his head peeing all the while. He looked up at me as if to say, “Did you see that? She just pissed on my head. Why did you let her do that?” I about died laughing.
Jan K said, “BTW, mine would try to roll on a dead frog….they tried that with a dead mouse just the other day. UGH.”
Blueberry’s Human said, “I wonder if she really wanted to eat it or roll in it – decided that might upset you – so opted to whiz on the frog. ”
I’m actually surprised she didn’t roll on it. Perhaps the asphalt had her leery because she’s done that in the field or woods. Before she started peeing on that newspaper she tried to roll on it and I kind of instinctively tugged the leash a bit. I felt bad about it because she almost slid on the road. So I think the fact that she didn’t try to roll in it was all my fault. 🙁 Bad Mama.
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s mom said, “Oh Delilah! How does your Mom not go out of her mind with you around?!”
You read this blog, right Sue? Then you know I’m obviously barking mad.
Lauranne said, “I firmly believe that if children were taught how to love, care for and interact with all animals from an earlier age this world would be a better place!!”
Amen sister! I’m in total agreement, in fact one of my Blog the Change posts was on that topic. You can read about it here if you are interested.
Beagles and Bargains said, “I sometimes have to remind my boyfriend of the very same thing!”
I’m in the same boat! Which is why I try to walk both my dogs myself.
Well that’s it for me, thanks for following along and have a great weekend.
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