Spam be Damned!
Remember that problem I had with spam? I’m not joking when I say I would typically get about 200 spam comments every 24 hours. I was using Askimet which caught most of the spam and put it in my spam folder, but it was still a giant pain in the rump, because every day or so, I’d have to go through and empty the spam folder after checking to see if any real comments were inadvertently sent to spam.
Emma had her mom send me an e-mail sharing a post about Disqus helping to cut down on spam and I meant to read it, I really did. But I didn’t. Part of the reason is I comment on blogs that use Disqus and for me (and speaking only for me) I can sometimes find it a pain in butt. I have to sign in using Google, or Twitter or something and sometimes I just want to leave a quick comment and Disqus is just one more step I need to take.
Some of you have that little box that says “check here to prove your human” I don’t mind that one in the least and I also like the little picture ones where you have to drag some coins to the piggy bank or something similar. What can I say? I like simple.
Maggie from Oh My Dog! shared a plug in she was using for security purposes to help prevent hacking and cut down on spam. I find it so sad that people will actually try and hack a site of someone they don’t even know just to share their ugly propaganda, but it happens. Anyway, Maggie shared that she used this plug in for WordPress called “Wordfence.” I immediately went to my dashboard and looked it up and it got five full stars! It’s a free plug in (of course you can upgrade to paid) and it not only stops security hacks, but it also prevents spam. So I figured what the hell? I emptied my spam folder and installed the plug in.
Guess what?
That was 9 days ago and yesterday I had my first ‘spam’ and it was actually a reader’s comment that accidentally was put in the folder!
After two days of using Wordfence I went in and deactivated Askimet. The only thing I don’t like about Wordfence is I get an e-mail every time I sign in BUT I also got an e-mail on Monday that someone tried to hack my site! But Wordfence prevented it! Woot, woot!!
Imagine clicking over for you dose of Heart Like a Dog and finding out that someone with a potty mouth had taken over? ‘-) I know, the horrors!
Delilah and the ‘puppy.’
Delilah and I have continued our walks around the neighborhood. Luckily for us, our neighborhood leaves us lots of options, so we don’t need to take the same walk every night.
The other day on our walk Delilah encountered something she had never seen before. Her reaction was so cute, I just had to take and share some photos.
It’s okay Delilah, it’s not a real puppy, it’s just a lawn ornament put there for enjoyment, and curious labradors!
This is my contribution to Thursday’s Barks and Bytes Blog Hop the blog hop for ALL Bloggers, hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like a Dog. Grab a badge, link up and make some new friends!
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