I’ve been sharing the ups and downs of Sampson’s ACL injury and subsequent surgery for the last seven months. Throughout this process I’ve found kindred souls who understand and share the heartache of having an ill or injured pet. So many of you have reached out to me and shared your own stories of illness and injury here as well.
It got me thinking, there so many of us who have been dealing (or have dealt) with various medical issues with our pets. Often times there are traditional and non-traditional treatments that someone may not be aware of when facing a tough decision. Each experience is unique to all of us, but there is so much to be gained from sharing those experiences and treatments, as our life beliefs tend to guide us in the choices we make for our pets. While it’s true we all share our experiences on our blogs, sometimes when we are suddenly faced with a surprise diagnosis we may not remember where we read about it, or who wrote about it.
I thought, wouldn’t it be great to have all of our experiences in one place?
I’ve been toying with an idea of a Round Robin. It would be very similar to the “How I write” series that many of you have been doing, but it would be somewhat different.
It would work like this, any blogger (or non-blogger) who wished to participate would get a set of questions to answer. Of course, the questions will be a basic guideline and you will be free to put your own spin on it. It wouldn’t be a blog hop per say as there would be no linky list, BUT there would be a different post every day by a different blogger and each blogger would list the next blogger at the bottom of their post. Any non-bloggers who wished to share their experience would let me know and I would send them the questions and I would post their experience here.
I’m also looking into dedicating one page on my blog that would list every post. Of course there would be a badge for you to display on your blog and that badge would link back to the community page. The page would share the title of the post, which blog was sharing and a brief description of the injury or illness as well as a link back to your blog post. I think it would also be beneficial to include behavioral issues you may have encountered with your pets and what techniques or methods you used and what worked.
I feel this Round Robin and subsequent page will be an amazing resource for bloggers and non-bloggers alike.
I plan on starting this Round Robin in the beginning of September. That gives us almost a month to pull it together. I’ve already run this past a few of my fellow bloggers and I do have some interest in it, but I also wanted to include you, my dear readers as you’ve helped me so much through this long journey and so many of you have touched my heart with your own journey.
To start with all I need to know is if you are interested in participating in the Round Robin. If you are please let me know in the comments and let me know if there is a certain day you can’t participate.
I’m also looking for a name for this Round Robin, so if any of your brilliant readers have any thoughts, please, please share them!!
Refreshing Frozen Treats
Lauranne said, “What’s Kefir? And in other news your blog just sassed me. I hit post comment and I got “ERROR: Your comment was too short. Please try to say something useful.” It was the last bit that nearly had me spitting out my coffee. You blog has judged me and decided my input it not useful – RUDE!!!!”
I’m not sure why the blog does that, but I do find it amusing. LOL As for the Kefir, it is similar to a yogurt in that it is made from milk. The processing is different and the Kefir has yeast as well as the probiotics. It is also pourable and while yogurt has a tart flavor Kefir’s flavor tends to be a bit more on the sour side. You can read more about it HERE.
Sand Spring Chesapeakes asked, “Awesome treat. Does it melt fast?”
Hello, I have a Lab, there is no such thing as melting when it comes to Labs and food. Siriusly though, I put the treats down on a towel, but I would say they don’t melt any faster than a Popsicle.
It’s Dog or Nothing said, “I had never thought to give my dogs Kefir. It’s so good for people!”
It is very good for you and for dogs as well. What I love best about it is that it is pourable which makes it easier to use (IMO.)
Blueberry’s Human said, “Oh goody! Someone else has heard of Kefir! I think my SIL actually makes her own…I’m not a big fan of it. It’s an acquired taste.
I do not make my own! But I do like the taste of it, of course I buy the flavored ones and I feed it to my grandkids.
Jan K said, ” I googled what it was, but I’m not sure where I would find it?”
It depends on your store, in some stores it is in the dairy case with the yogurt and in my local Stop and Shop it is in the Health food section.
Happy Birthday to My Heart Dog
The dog love of my life.
Thank you to everyone who sent Happy Birthday wishes to Sampson, I think it was a wonderful day!
Jan K said, “I’ve been enjoying the pictures on Facebook today. From adorable puppy to handsome senior guy….love them all!”
I’m glad you enjoyed them Jan, for those of you who missed it, we shared our favorite Sampson photos on our Facebook page on Wednesday.
Fun With Fruits
I would have to say this is too big for a nightly treat, but it’s perfect for a special occasion. What I do love about it is the versatility, you can use your pups favorites fruits and make it as fancy or as simple as you’d like. I just wanted his birthday treat to be special. And I should remind you that besides being a potential obstruction, peach pits also contain Cyanide, so be careful when using this fruit around your dogs. I bought the frozen peach slices and there were definitely no pits involved.
Emma asked, “His new toys are adorable. It the wabbit still alive?”
The Wascally Wabbit is no more.
No Emma, sadly the wabbit did not make it. He has been de-stuffed and de-squeaked.
Jan said, “Love your creative ideas on ways to spoil our dogs. I’ve added pumpkin and plain yogurt to our weekly shopping lists and I am planning to make fruit themed faces so my dogs don’t feel deprived.”
SHUT UP. I turned Jan to the dark side!! First she uses siriusly in her blog post and now she’s making treats for her dogs!!
My work here is done!