Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – February 1, 2015
Cupcake said, “You found popcorn in your snow?? Once I found a potato chip in my snow. I had to dig and dig, but I got it! Mom said, “GROSS.” That means delicious in human-talk.”
I’m pretty sure it was popcorn…you are very good at understanding exactly what mom is saying.
Mary asked, “And the question is….did she find it?”
Hell yes. LOL That nose doesn’t miss much.
Jan K said, “It’s amazing what some dogs will do for one little piece of food. ”
She cracks me up, she will dive under something if she thinks she will get a crumb.
Poop Makes the Best Posts
I told you poop makes the best posts, with the best comments. Check out some of my favorites.
Lauranne said, “Last week when I was walking BD he pooed near another dogs poo, and that person had not scooped so in a moment of bravery I scooped that poop too. I don’t know about you but I am fine scooping my dogs poo but someone elses just freaks me out!”
YUCK. It makes me gag to think about picking up another dog’s poop. Once in the park I used a bag, set it on the ground and used a stick to push the poop onto the bag and then I picked it up with another bag. It’s just so disgusting.
Emma said, “We poop, it freezes and sometimes when it freezes it has sharp points that easily puncture the frozen bags.”
You are right! Remember last winter I cut my thumb on a frozen piece of poop that cut through the bag. It freezes pretty quickly in this weather.

Pay no attention to the poor polish job I did on my nails. I assure you my left hand looks spectacular.
Blueberry’s Human said, “I took Blueberry to the lake the first year I had her and as fastidious as she always is about pooping off the trail, for some reason, she thought it would be fun to try pooping IN THE LAKE. I was mortified. There was a man fishing downstream from us and even though I grabbed at the bobbing poop as quickly as I could – the current was too strong and I missed a nugget. I imagined it floating down the lake and repeatedly bumping into the fisher’s wading boot. I thought about walking down to the man and apologizing in advance for the turd that was about to collide with his boot, but decided I’d just sound crazy. My face red, we left the area immediately.”
BWA HA HA! OMG I can picture the poop bump, bump, bumping into his boot. I would have beat feet too!
Frankie and Ernie said, “OMD our MOM Adores our poops… she has a special Solid Silver Turd Flipper and a Special Scooper thingy with a long handle to Flip them into… and she has the POOP SCULPTURE Pile…”
He he he, I forgot about your poop sculpture! Is it near your milk bone tree?
Jan said, “Part of it is that most adults haven’t grown up as much as we think. We still snicker at poop, farts, and deflated balls.”
Oh yes, I laugh at all of that. And also when someone says, ‘unit.’ 🙂
Chelsea Price said, ” I, unfortunately, have a decent amount of my own poop stories I could share (I have a heart condition that sometimes causes me to lose consciousness…at inopportune moments, we’ll just say that!)”
I’m sorry to hear about your heart condition! I hope you are okay. I can only imagine the stories you have.
Sherrie Petrie said, “Just to liven up my hubby’s morning sometimes I will feed my girls frozen corn and peas because they don’t digest. ”
Ha ha ha, don’t forget carrots; I can always tell my dog’s poop in the park. 🙂
Sand Spring Chesapeakes said, “Love poop and poop stories. I took the dogs for a romp in the marsh Monday gambler hiked his ass up high on a weed to poop and I took pictures and thought of you.”
God I love you. I have another friend just like you. Have you ever heard of the poopie list?
A Dog Like Delilah
Mary said, “At least she didn’t eat the foil. She would have pooped a a pop can.”
Bwa ha ha, she would give new meaning to recycling.
Carma Poodale said, “I have to side with Delilah on this one. You didn’t throw the bun away in the morning and in the world of dog rules- if its still there in the morning, its yours.”
I fully admit, it was my fault. Anything she gets into is my fault for leaving it lying around. Thanks for filling me in on dog rules, I hadn’t heard of that particular one.
Jan K said, “Oh goodness, every time I read your stories, I just know what I’m in for with Luke in the future. He stole a loaf of frozen French bread off the counter the other day….I thought I had left it far enough back on the counter!”
I think you might have a challenge on your hands. 🙂
Monika said, “LOL, oh GAWD I love the D- dog! It must be something to do with the moon cycle because just last night Sam eviserated a pair of Lederhosen my grandmother sent to me back in the 70’s for my son. Heartbreaking, definitely. My fault, yeah. That dog has destroyed some of my most treasured personal items and yet, when I look at that face I see a sweetheart of a dog. Then I realize that dog is an idiot AND a destructive bastard. ”
Oh my god, you made me laugh out loud. I’m so glad I’m not the only one that calls my dogs names.
Lauren Miller said, “I think that happens to all of us sometimes! It was just a bun, no biggie! At least it wasn’t chocolate or something dangerous.”
You’re right, but she’s had her share of those too.
Do Dogs Have Feelings? – Barks and Bytes
There were so many great comments, SO MANY. I couldn’t highlight them all so I picked a few, the rest of them I will work on responding too individually.
Mary said, “LOL.. I would say they were sharing their feelings with you. Feelings of, why us, what the hell, and how do we get out of this.”
I’m pretty sure you’re right. Delilah is very good about sharing exactly how she’s feeling.
Flea said, “I’m remembering my MIL’s Bichon. That dog had floofy hair and summer was coming. I told the story of my mom shaving our little dog every summer. She shaved the dog bald. That poor Bichon went back to wetting all over the house. We were convinced it was because everyone was laughing at him and he was embarrassed. My MIL re-homed him. So yeah, maybe he was embarrassed. Poor dog.”
You are probably right, the poor little guy.
Frankie and Ernie said, “Some PEEPS have NO FEELINGS… so we guess that there would be some of US who do not. BUTT we will tell you that WE have lots of feelings.. We get Scared and Happy and ANGRY and ORNERY… and TRUST…. and most of all we feel LOVE… we love our peeps and that is just how it is.. ”
I hate those peeps with no feelings. But I love that you have feelings and share your lives with us.
SlimDoggy said, “Too funny. I tried booties like that on Becca because she had such bad arthritis in her paws, the pavement hurt – she wanted no part of them and I gave up. Of course they have feelings….and express them clearly!”
It is those particular times when I wish I could communicate clearly just exactly why we are doing it. It would be so much easier wouldn’t it?
Thank you all for your wonderful comments, that’s it for me. Have a great weekend.
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