When I first started this blog it was to generate interest in a children’s book I wrote about Sampson.
I quickly discovered dogs like Sampson don’t give you a whole lot to write about.
Yes it’s true he does have his moments. Like the day he dragged me across the street to meet another dog.
Epic trainer fail right there.
And yes, I did have to grab him by his harness to keep him from dragging me over to the chatty neighbors, but for the most part, he is the sweetest, most loving, easiest dog ever. He wins people over wherever he goes.
Friday morning he had a vet appointment to check his glucose level. Last year when he had the blood work for his ACL surgery the surgeon let me know that Sampson’s blood sugar level was a bit on the low side, not enough to cause complications during surgery, but he requested I follow up with my vet at a later date.
Eleven months is definitely later. With the struggle Sampson had after the surgery, then Delilah’s tooth and elevated liver levels, I totally forgot about checking his levels.
So Friday morning found us waiting at the vet’s office. Sampson as usual, strolled in and announced himself. After being fawned over by the girls in the front, he settled down to wait until we were called.

It’s the boots isn’t it? They think it’s weird for a dog to wear boots…tell them I don’t like them either.
Dr. Soutter checked Sampson’s ears to see if she could find a vein to get a drop of blood, but she couldn’t. She had to use a needle and take a tiny bit of blood out of his back leg. Delilah would need a vet tech to come in and hold her, but not Sampson. Dr. Soutter said, “He’s such a good boy, if you can just hold his head, we’ll be fine.”
And we were.
She asked if he had eaten, and he had. She said if the results were very low, or very high we would need to do another test, but with him fasting.
Luckily for us, the glucose showed Sampson’s levels at 82. Dr. Soutter said it was on the low side of normal, but as long as it was over 70, she had no issues.
No further testing required.
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