We’ve got snow. Lots and lots of snow. Lately it seems every two, three or four days we get more snow.
Sunday night we got about six more inches of snow.
We have so much snow we have no place to put it. I’m not complaining per se because our friends to the north have more than we do, I’m just saying each time we get snow, the snow banks get bigger and bigger.
Most of the snow banks in our neighborhood are taller than I am.
So you can understand my hesitancy to be dragged into a snow bank.
At first it was just Delilah, which is understandable. Lord knows THAT girl would swim the Mississippi if she thought there was a flake of tuna on the other side.
But then Sampson started doing it too. This had me puzzled.

So this is why you always have your nose in the snow bank? And I thought you were just snarfing for poop.
Of course, Delilah usually comes up with something, but she’s so damn quick, I could never figure out what she’s digging out of there.
At first I thought it was popcorn, because I saw something (in the brief moment before Delilah’s gnashing teeth gobbled it up) that resembled popcorn, and I thought, this is cool. It’s like one of the lands depicted in one of the books in the Wizard of Oz series. Where it snowed popcorn!
But then something happened and I had to rethink that theory.
I took the dogs out in the yard. Delilah per usual was snooping about for something, anything she could eat.
All of a sudden she launched herself over a bank of snow and came up with a hamburger bun in her mouth.
Naturally I wrestled it away from her and then thought, where the hell did this bread come from?
Then it clicked.
Birds. Damn birds. We have some really big crows that hang around in our neighborhood and one neighbor up the street who has a number of bird feeders in her yard. I’m suspecting she also throws bread out.
Then I put two and two together, my dogs are probably finding bread in the snow banks!
It makes me feel slightly better to know my dogs are snarfing for food, but it leaves me with a question. If you’re going to throw bread out for the birds, wouldn’t you break it up? I mean, sure those big ass crows can carry a loaf of italian bread, but what about the Robins?
Oh right, there aren’t any freaking Robins, because it won’t stop snowing long enough for Spring to get here!
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