Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – April 12, 2015
Sophie said, “I think, you might just be the biggest recipient of that special bond(:”
I would have to agree with you there. He is one special boy.
Jan K said, “Mine are way too wound up to snuggle when I first get home. We have to have treats, and then play some ball. Snuggling comes later!”
Delilah used to be like that, she’s settled down a lot though. Now most days she greets you with a toy in her mouth and then lies down to wait for rubbies.
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s Mom said, “OH! MY! GOD!!! I am laughing so hard that my side aches!! ”
I was hoping it would turn out to be funny. Sometimes I feel like I think it’s funny but it’s not. LOL
Val said, ” My question is….was the bubble gum flavored and if so, did her farts smell like the bubble gum!! LOL”
As a matter of fact, it was flavored but sadly, her farts still smelled like farts.
Jan said, “If the vet’s office has Caller ID, I bet they all want to take your calls. I love how they always say “Keep an eye on her” after our hysterical calls. Like we couldn’t figure that out.”
I often times wonder if it’s the opposite, they see my name come up and do rock, scissors, paper to see who gets me. 🙂 And I agree with you, I wouldn’t be calling you if I wasn’t keeping an eye on her. LOL
Jan K said, “HAHAHAHA…..you could have been rich!!”
SO RICH. Private jets to fly us to Nashville. 😉
Sand Spring Chesapeakes said, “damn, I want to see a fart gum bubble!”
This is the best I could do. 😉
Tenacious Little Terrier said, “I try to have Mr. N scanned every time we go to the vet. Two years ago, I had him scanned to discover that there was no trace of his microchip.”
Wow, it’s a good thing you had him scanned, can you imagine if you were to become separated. It is just a little extra peace of mind.
Emma said, “Everyone but Mom is chipped at our house, Katie and I have two chips, European and US. Turns out in the US, most readers don’t pick up European chips and they are also located in a different spot. Our vet always takes a read when we go in too.”
I did not know that about the European and US readers. It’s good to know. Is mom resistant to the chipping, is that why you haven’t had her chipped? 😉
2 Brown Dawgs said, ” We had all of our pets chipped as puppies and without anesthesia. It was no big deal. I cannot imagine putting a dog under just to implant a chip and most puppies don’t need procedures which require anesthesia.”
Well I already told you what I’d say about it. 😉 But I will add this, it may not have been a big deal to you, but I wonder what the dog would have said if they could talk? 😉 I guess you and I will have to agree to disagree. As for the anesthesia, if you were getting your puppy spayed or neutered, it would be a fine time to chip. IMO.
Jackie Bouchard said, “I didn’t realize it was best to do the microchipping under anesthesia. (Sorry, Rita!) ”
I don’t know if it’s best, these are just my thoughts after having seen the needle.

Image courtesy of Small Dog Place.
Kari said, ” I marvel at those stories of dogs reunited after years because of the chip. And my heart breaks, because we lost Mia for a hour a few weeks ago and that was rough!”
I’m glad you got Mia back. It is so heartbreaking. My sister’s dog was lost for 12 days in October and there is a local woman whose home was broken into and her dogs either escaped or were stolen. She has been following every lead for over a year.
KB said, “I cannot believe that the hold time is 3 and 0 days for dogs and cats in Chicago. That’s outrageous. I hope, with all my heart, that none of my dogs ever gets lost.”
I agree, it is outrageous. I hope the people of Chicago speak up and insist on change.
Meagan & Merlin said, “I have a theory about Sampson “swimming” in the carpet after he’s been sprayed is I think its cos hes trying to smell like himself again if that makes sense.”
It makes sense to me! Thanks for sharing that.
We Live in a Flat said, “It doesn’t even have to be a pig does it? Yesterday, Donna got all exciting over a tub by the side of the road – -”
LOL no, it doesn’t have to be a pig. For my dogs most of the things that pique their interest are statue type items, but they also get excited by weird looking sticks in the road too.
Emma said, “As for the bitter spray thing. Mom sprayed some of our houseplants with some yucky stuff to keep the cats from chewing on them. They still chew, didn’t phase them a bit, but Mom has tasted it many times…seems to last forever…and it is awful, can’t get it out of her mouth! Her hands sometimes touch the plants when she waters or trims them and sometimes she accidentally touches her mouth for some reason and then there are a lot of loud, not so nice words.”
Oh I agree. I did not taste it intentionally! I put his booty on then grabbed a poop bag. I like to open the bags before I stuff them in my pocket (so it’s easier when pick up time comes) and I wet my fingers to help grip the back and YUCK!
2 Brown Dawgs said, “Maybe at one time they wanted light in that part of their yard to deter marauding beasts?”
You go with that. I’m going with the entrance to Narnia. 🙂
Mary Hone said, “What a week you’ve had my friend. I think you should touch the pole, just for shits and giggles.”
Oh Mary, you made me laugh. If I thought I might be able to sneak up into their yard, without them wondering WTF I was doing, I would totally touch that pole!
Monika said, “Oh, what I wouldn’t give to hear what the D-dog has to say!”
YOU my friend are very brave. I imagine the D-dog has a LOT to say. LOL
Blueberry’s Human said, “Poor Sampson. Maybe if you took him to Narnia his foot could be healed miraculously over there. Don’t take Delilah though. You are right – she’d start talking and well…we both know that probably wouldn’t be a good thing.”
Maybe this weekend on our solo walk…but you are right about Delilah, I don’t think it would be a good thing. Sampson would be all peace and love and Delilah would probably go all white witch on me.
Jan said, “Some people just take dog walks through their neighborhood. Jodi fantasizes about going into Narnia. How I wish we could walk with you.”
I’d love to have you walk with me Jan! Anytime you’re in CT…
Laura Elizabeth said, “I don’t think I’d be able to resist! Hold onto those leashes and report back!”
Okay, but if you don’t hear from me for a few weeks, you know what happened. Remember time is different in Narnia then it is here.
Jen Gabbard said, “Why do they have that lamp post? I’m curious as well; it’s not like it’s even in a spot that you’d normally have a functioning light. It’s just there – in the middle – as an ornament.”
No idea. It seemed a very odd thing to me as well.
Well my friends, that is it for me, thanks for joining me on this crazy adventure. Have a great weekend.
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