Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight awesome comments, answer reader’s questions and generally just wrap up my week.
Emma said, “Sometimes I get my wabbit out of my bed to show people if I’m really excited, but usually I don’t carry around anything.”
Sometimes when we first get home she brings the toy to us, and it is then that she is walking around with it. She does not do it all the time.
Hailey and Zaphod said, “Hailey uses stuffies to help calm herself when we first come home or at bed time, but I have never seen that.
Hailey is smart! I don’t know if Delilah is doing this to calm herself or to get attention. Because of course she does get attention as it’s so cute!
DogDaz said, “Sofie won’t go anywhere without sucking on a lovey. That is so cute. Wish we had chipmunks.”
Awe, Sofie is cute. As for the chipmunks? You can have them! I actually thought one was in my house the other day.
Jen said, “I can never take Laika seriously when she walks around with a toy hanging out like that – that being said it is one of my absolute favorite things to see; especially when she’s grumbling at a squirrel.”
LOL I can understand why, it really is endearing.
Genevieve said, “I have occasionally forgotten, but since day1, Cupcake’s leash has a little zipper bag clipped to the handle. It has 2 extra poop bags, my $500 extra keyless entry car key, (for days we pick up the car from the garage on the way back), an antibacterial wipe, and a few extra treats.”
Do not, I repeat DO NOT lose that bag, not with a key that costs $500! And brilliant idea with the wipe. Brilliant.
Earl Lover said, “My dog’s have little poo bag holders on their leads, making it so simple to pick whilst on a walk. The only way I could ever be left on a walk without a bag, is if I forgot to refill an empty holder!!!”
I have those too, but it’s a hassle (for me) trying to juggle leashes and dogs all the while trying to rip off and open a bag. Opening the bag before our walk, makes it so much easier. Unless I forget the bag. LOL
Mary said, “Yes, just the other night I forgot a poop bag. I did find a ziplock on the ground, and that worked good. So I picked up someone’s litter, and was able to get the poop picked up all at the same time.”
Hey you gotta use what you got, right?
Jenna, Mark, Husky-Crazed Drady said, “We left the groomers one time and I didn’t think to bring poop bags……took two steps out the front door, and Mika pooped right on their front step! I think she was making a statement!
LOL I guess she told you what she thought!
Beth said, “Last night, I used the last bag in our holder on the leash and forgot to refill it when we got home. This morning, I realized after we were already far down the road that I only had the one that I keep in the back of our treat pouch for emergencies. Some mornings are two bag mornings, so I was panicked that one wasn’t going to be enough, but we survived!”
I’ve done that also. I am spoiled (I guess) by the raw food poop. I can generally fit four poops in one bag. I use Earth Rated and they are 9 x 11, I think I might be able to fit another poop in there if I had to.
Lauranne said, “Pulling it out, yanking it off… this is why I need to come and play here more often! ”
Yes you do, I’ve missed you.
Elaine said, “I once saw a man walking his dog in front of our house when his lab decided it was time to poop in our yard. The man looked away, then hurried off without picking it up. I didn’t bother me too much since Haley occasionally poops in the front yard anyway. Twenty minutes later, the man returns alone with a bag to cleanup after his dog. How nice!”
Wow that was nice. You’d never see any of the douche bags where I live do that.
We Live in a Flat said, “Hmmm, I’ve seen someone trying to pick up poo with a leaf before. Not the best solution.”
Was it me? Cause I totally just did this yesterday. Word to all you daredevils out there, don’t try this unless you are home, because you will need to wash your hands.
WTF Wednesday – An Eye for An Eye
Emma said, “What can I say except to repeat what Mom says to us often…the world would be such a wonderful place if many of the humans were not in it. Sounds mean, but it does kind of hold true!”
The gene pool needs a good bit of chlorine.
Elaine said, “Ugh, and then there was the story about the momma dog that fell out of an airplane when the door accidentally opened up after takeoff. Fortunately, her puppies were all safe and were found roaming around the plane.”
OMG can you even imagine? This is why my dogs will never fly unless they are on a seat right next to me. Or in a private plane. 😉
Jan said, “I just read a sign that said the world is made up of protons, neutrons, electrons, and morons. That about sums it up.”
Yes ma’am it does.
Jen Gabbard asked, “In both of these stories WTF sums it up perfectly – how the hell do you lose a crate anyways?”
I have no idea. Were they transporting in a pick up truck?

The basic dog walking essentials…cell phone, car keys (to drive to park) pepper blaster and treat bag. Only thing missing? Poop bags!
Beth said, “Oh dear! RIP Treat Pouch! If your newer one ever meets a similar fate, I’ve had one from the Etsy shop Cody’s Creations and it’s great.”
Oh that is a cute treat bag! Thank you, I will keep it in mind.
Repoleon said, “I have several jackets with holes in the pockets because I carry treats in my pockets and then hang the jacket on the back of a chair and the pups work on getting every last crumb.”
I’m afraid to even comment on this. I’ve actually left a treat in my pocket and she never found it. BUT I think it’s because I hang my jacket in the entry way and she doesn’t spend a lot of time there. I’ve heard of many people with holes in their pockets. 😉
Jan K said, “We had that same treat bag and I didn’t like it either. I think I threw ours away though. I can’t tell you how many times I walk by things I need to do and just don’t do them, even when it’s something simple like just throwing something away.”
Why is that? Odds are I’m going to be walking close to a trash can, why can’t I just pick it up and follow through?
Hawk aka Brown Dog said, ” Now she uses one of those “fanny packs”, but carries it on her front. A “tummy pack”? She can put her driver’s license, smart phone and my treats in it along with a supply of Poop Bags.”
I do use one of those in the summer. I have too many things I schlep with me and generally not enough pockets. 🙂
Lauren Miller said, “I’ve had a couple of those bags and I’ve hated them all. They just don’t stay on! Our favorite bait bag is the Rapid Rewards one from Doggone Good. I’ve never had an issue with it and we have two.”
It looks great, I would just like to see it in person. The one I have now isn’t too bad, it’s much easier than the old one.
Well that’s it for me folks. Have a great weekend!
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