Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – August 9, 2015
You want to hear the funniest part of this? Nobody put him in the room. He was free to leave, but he was so miffed, he went in there by himself and pouted.
Sue said, “Oh, poor Beau! My three howl. Sound like a pack of coyotes in the house. Lucy used to pout when we took she and Tucker to the boarding kennel. Tucker was thrilled and excited. Lucy was not pleased. It would take her a day to get over herself when we picked them up and brought them home.”
For the most part mine do not complain when we leave, UNLESS I am leaving Sampson home and taking Delilah. Then he stands at the door and barks like a little bitch.
Jan K said, “Our crew always gets treats when we leave, so they’re pretty good about it! Luke sits in the door and watches us leave though, and he’s always there when we get home as well. I wonder if he stays there the whole time, or if he knows when it’s the normal time we get home?”
Mine get treats too. Then Delilah goes into ‘her room’ and sleeps, while Sampson usually goes downstairs. But sometimes Delilah sits in front of the sliding door and keeps watch for us to come home.
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s mom said, “Aw, poor Beau. At least he doesn’t tear up the place like some dogs do.”
That is a good thing, I’ve heard of some dogs with some powerful separation anxiety. It’s heartbreaking.
Jan said, “I have long suspected that they threw large doggie orgies, but I have no proof.”
BWA HA HA, that’s an interesting thought. Do you think it’s only those progressive California dogs, or do you suppose they all do it?
Kim-Life at Golden Pines said, “I don’t know what our dogs do when we’re gone, aside from getting onto the couch, chew the toilet paper, shred anything they can grab off the counter or table, and use the remote to shop on eBay… ;-)!!”
Dear Lord, I’m so grateful Delilah hasn’t learned to online shop. I can only imagine how busy the dog treat makers would be. LOL
Blueberry’s Human said, “Does he realize how stinking cute he is even in his poutiness? (I don’t think that’s a real word, is it?)”
It’s a word on this blog. Siriusly.
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s mom said, “Doggie scuffles can be loud and scary…The scuffles between Shadow and Ducky have decreased substantially; but when we’re not going to be home, Ducky stays in her crate and the puppy gate is put in the bedroom doorway.
I think the noise was the worst of it. And we made sure he was gated off in her room if we were all gone, (which wasn’t very often).
Earl Lover said, “Our fellow agility friends have told us they’d be more than happy to have Earl and Ethel if we’re ever away. Earl and Ethel get on well with their dogs at training, but we’d had to do a trial night beforehand, just for my peace of mind!”
Oh yes! I would definitely want at least one trial run to see how it worked out, otherwise I’d be worrying the entire time I was gone!
Emma said, “We learned from early on to have friends over, but we always meet outside first and have a walk around the block if not longer. ”
Yes, well running a bed and breakfast like you do, I imagine you know all kinds of ways to get dogs comfortable with each other.
Sue said, “When my mom was alive we had a similar experience. Our four dogs were only slightly interested in the newcomer. Her dog was very interested in my dogs AND he thought he was the King… that didn’t go over well when he tried to tell Lucy that. All four of my dogs wanted to let him know Lucy was in charge here. Thankfully no blood was shed, but we could never allow them to be together at all after that. The dummy was a Lhasa Apso and a real asshat.”
Oh my, I can only imagine how stressful it was for you! Don’t you love that word, asshat? It’s one of my favorites…I like ass clown too.
Jan said, “My dogs totally ignore any visiting dog as in they give them a thorough sniffing and then they all go into another room. My guess is that they gossip and start rumors about the visitor.”
What do you think they gossip about, manners, fashion sense?
Taryn said, “Jimmy cannot be trusted whatsoever. Just when you think he will be OK, he SNARKS! I don’t know why he is such a jerk since he has been well-socialized his entire life, but he is, so he requires careful management.”
Sampson can be snarky too. Most of Sampson’s snarkiness is when someone is petting him and the other dog comes up. It doesn’t matter if the dog belongs to have person, at that moment that person is giving Sampson his most valuable resource, attention. Yup, he resource guards people. Jerk.
2 Brown Dawgs said, “I think it is hard to introduce a visiting dog to a home where two dogs have been living alone for so long.”
You are so right. Did you have many issues when you introduced Freighter? (Although your dogs certainly weren’t as old at the time as mine are now.
8 Photos of Happiness – Barks and Bytes
If you haven’t done Ariel’s challenge yet, I really encourage you to do it! Think of all the memories you will remember and then share them in one place.
Cupcake says, “I’ve never been swimming, but I think Mom and I would be a lot like the picture of you and Sampson. “Hold me, Mom!””
That’s exactly what he was doing in this picture!
Emma said, “Great happy photos. Isn’t going through photos just the hardest thing? We have the so well organized, but we can never find what we are looking for.”
It is! I am so NOT organized with my photos, in fact as I was going through them I noted how many duplicates I have. I literally looked through thousands of photos and that was only pictures from my old laptop, not my new one which easily has close to 4,000.
Monika said, “Such charming photos that definitely show off happiness. This is such a great exercise because you can focus on the simple things in life and realize exactly how much those make us smile and be happy. :-)”
Exactly. It is a really wonderful exercise and a great way to share some happiness.
Well folks, that’s it for me. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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