The following story originally appeared on my free WordPress blog back on June 4, 2011. Facebook reminded me of this post yesterday and I thought it might be a good time to share it again.
I love going back and looking at old posts, both to see where I was with my writing and blog (the original post had no SEO title, no SEO description and no SEO key words) and also to remember stories and fun times with the dogs.
For this particular post, I’d been blogging for just about 7 months.
Looking back on this post I can see that my writing has changed a bit, but Delilah still retains a lot of her quirkiness.
Yum Yum Pancakes…Day One Hundred, Eighty Six
We had just moved in to our current house, when I had the urge to make pancakes. Being the ever resourceful person that I am, I pulled out a box of Bisquick and whipped up some pancake batter. (Do you ever wonder how something that makes pancakes, can also make biscuits, dumplings, shortcake and pot pie batter and all taste different?)
I had the griddle on the stove and while I waited for the pan to heat up, I ran into the den to check something on the computer.
I left Chet sitting on the couch, not more than 15 feet from the stove.
Thoroughly engrossed with whatever I happened to be doing, it took a minute for the slurp, slurp, slurping noise to permeate my brain.
“What the hell is that?” I thought.
Curiosity got the better of me, so I left the computer and made my way back to the kitchen area, where I found Delilah, front paws on the counter, face in the batter bowl, slurping happily away.
By the time I got the camera, she had licked off a majority of the batter. (I have since learned to keep my camera handy.) **I may have learned it then, but you all know that right there is no longer true. 🙂
Meanwhile, Chet (who once heard me whisper something to my daughter from one floor away) was sitting watching TV, oblivious to what was taking place barely 15 feet from him.
Yes, we still ate pancakes and yes Chet got the first one. 🙂
So there you have it. What do you think? Has Delilah changed a lot? Do you see a difference in my writing? Do you ever go back to the beginning to see how your blog and voice have evolved?
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