I think I’ve mentioned before, the past couple of years, I’ve really struggled with the writing of this blog.
In part, I think it was a depression of what was going on in my life.
- I was in an incredibly toxic job. Initially they just cut my hours down, and six months later they cut my hours again, but this time they wrote me up. If I’m being honest, I could have been putting in more effort, but the bulk of what I was written up for was bogus. That was when I saw the writing on the wall and knew I’d need to find another job, before they chose to fire me. (FTR, I did and now have the nicest boss!)
- Things aren’t great at home. I won’t go into details here, but will just say, sometimes people drift apart. People grow, people change and sometimes there are real struggles with that. I’m not sure how it will resolve, but eventually we’ll figure it out.
- The dogs are aging, and with that comes health challenges and decisions, and the reality of facing some hard and painful events.
- With the aging of the dogs, they do less. Sampson is limited physically, so they don’t get to play much together. They do make me smile or laugh every day and I do try to capture that for a post. Thankfully, I do have the DADO’s in my neighborhood to help, when the dogs aren’t doing their job. 🙂
Truthfully, there were times when I just wanted to quit. Stop blogging all together, but something just wouldn’t let me. (It’s true, it could have been Jan, she forbids me to stop.)
Honestly, I think it’s the community that revolves around this blog that kept me going. All of you reading, and commenting, helped keep this blog alive.
I want you to take a moment and really let that sink in. YOU kept me going. YOU made a difference for me, and I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the reason this blog still is active today.
Things change. All the time.
The pet bloggers are seeing that right now with BlogPaws. BlogPaws has been acquired by a larger company, and with the exception of one, all the people we know and love, who have mentored us over the last ten years, have either been let go, or chosen to move on. Whether this is a good move or a bad move for the community is yet to be seen.
The purpose of this blog has changed. Originally it started out to garner an online presence. (Mission accomplished, I think.) 🙂
Then it became something so much more to me. It was a place to connect with people like me, people who loved their dogs like crazy and totally ‘got’ that I had to skip happy hour to hurry home from work, because…dogs.
A place where I had friends, where I didn’t feel so alone or lonely.
Delilah’s training was at times extremely challenging. I was struggling trying to find what worked for her, so I knew others must be too. I wanted to give those people hope. I wanted to find the humor in and share the struggles I had with training a crazy chocolate lab. I wanted to let people know that even when it felt hopeless, find the humor, pause and laugh, then carry on. Some dogs just need more time than others to find their happily ever after, but the struggle is SO worth it when it pays off, and it WILL pay off.
We faced medical issues. Sampson with his CCL’s, heart issues, adrenal issues, and those little hormones that keep rearing their little heads. Delilah with elevated liver levels. I like to approach these as holistically as I can. I thought maybe others might too, or perhaps something we did would help another person deal with the same issue. So, I wrote about those.
At various times over the years, people have reached out and thanked me for a particular post, as it gave them an option for their dog that they weren’t aware of, or hadn’t considered.
Helping became important to me. Whether it was a supplement, or a training tip, or making you laugh or smile, or just making you feel like you weren’t alone with whatever you were facing. If I touched your life in some way, I’m truly grateful for being able to do so.
I think that’s where I’m at right now. I want this blog to be somewhere you come to, for help, encouragement, inspiration, humor, or just to sit down and not feel like you are alone in whatever you are dealing with.
Change as they say (there THEY are again, who ARE they?) is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be bad, right?
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